Slayers Arc Opening!

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We open up with seeing you opening your eyes as we see a powerful spell being cast, along with a shot of you standing back to back with Lina. This leads to a-


We then see Zelgadis walking reminiscing about his past, as well as when he used to be human.

Then we get images of villainous demons, including the Tartaros members.

You appear with a set of your crew, consisting of Wendy, Carla, the Thunder Legion, Erza, and Gray.

Gourry takes out his sword of light at the same time Lina prepares to cast magic, only for Naga to interrupt them, and she laughs.

Amelia appears on top of a mountain preaching about justice.

Then we get shots of a mysterious woman with red hair, along with a man with a sinister smile and closed eyes.

Gourry disappears in darkness, along with the sword of light, with Lina and Sylphiel crying out for him!

The face of the Demon Dragon King himself appears, as well as a young boy, who laughs evilly. 

We get a confident shot of you wearing magic armor with the rest of the gang destroying monsters that come your way!

Lina does a rant concerning her how scary her sister is, with Luna's silhouette in the background!

All of you start fighting over food, though Lina manages to catch it, despite the fact that Naga snags it at the last second and cackles!

This leads to Lina casting the Dragon Slave trying to blow her up!

Finally, we get a shot of the entire gang with you and Lina out in the front, with all the villains showing up in the background!

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