Chapter 3

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The moment Sophia starts walking down the school hallway she gets intercepted by Jackson.

"Hey, babe what'cha doin'?"

"I'm going to class, please talk to me later."

"C'mon, I really wanted to talk to you about this... thing," He bumps his glasses, as in those anime contents he watched. He understands, this is his chance to finally express his love for Sophia!

"Well, shoot I guess."

"Alright, so you noticed how in the former gymnasium, they still haven't cleaned up the ceiling? Looks disgusting man."

"Is that all you wanted to talk about? The gymnasium roof?" She inquired, confused.

"Well, yeah. Just an interesting thing I noticed."

"OK... bye?"

"... Bye?" He looks defeated, unable to prolong this conversation at all. He surrenders and moves on to his next class.

A couple hours later in biology, Mrs. Wall announces that the final project of the semester is due in two weeks. So, as for the norm, she pairs up the student arbitrarily.

"Miranda and Natalie, Jackson and Mia, Shawna and Preston, and finally Collin and Sophia."

Sophia looked around the class, seeing who was actually excited with who Mrs. Wall had paired them with. Miranda and Natalie looked very happy, Jackson looked sad, Preston also looked sad, but Collin actually looked happy.

"How about it, we got paired." said Collin.

"Yeah." Sophia replied, breathless. In awe that random selection has picked them, Collin and Sophia, to be together.

However, Collin doesn't appear to reciprocate the same feelings. They discuss the final project, and what was needed. All the while Sophia was infuriated with him, but she managed to keep a professional tone.

As he walked away from Sophia, he went over the interaction with her in his head. He had noticed that she seemed to be trying to keep her temper under control. He wondered why.

Does she not like me? He wonders. Would she have been happier if she had been paired with Preston or Jackson? I guess, I don't think I would pair with myself sometimes. Whatever, she has to deal with it either way. If you didn't like it, suck it up buttercup. He remarked in his head.

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