Chapter 7

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"Alright, we're in the fort I made!" She states rather too enthusiastically. She was lying, it wasn't just her who made the fort. Everyone in the family did help as well.

"So, what are we doing here anyways?"




"Alrighty then... Do you have a crush on someone?" Collin asks bluntly.





"Someone at our school..."

"Jackson or Preston?" He says amusingly.

"No..." She blushes...

"Someone who was in our biology class?"


"Hehe!" He laughs, Oh, you little foolish woman... I can deduce quite easily you know.

"Oh, why are you laughing?!"

"Cuz, my name is Jeff."



The fort goes into an awkward silence after the stupid remark. They stare at each other, curious what they'll say to break the silence. Around them the green forests surround them. At least, they think in unison, nobody will know besides each other.

"Soo..." Collin muses, "Do you go into this fort oftenly."

"I guess? I wouldn't say often-LY." She laughs at Collin's grammar.

"What's so funny?!"

"Often-LY is not a word."

Collin rolls his eyes, "Whatever..." He puts the pressure on, "Ok, answer my question, who in our biology class?"


"Say it!"




"Hotel? Trivago."



Sophia sighs, "Ok then... It's Preston." She tries to act as if she was exposed, embarrassed.

"Lies!" Collin states, grinning.


"Very much so!"

She blushes, believing that Collin actually knows! Why else would he continue to put the pressure on her? Curse his persistence...

"F-fine, you got me."

"Finally, spill the beans!" he says excitedly.

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