Chapter 48

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"Oh, hello there. How ya doing?" He says muffled, as his face is towards the mattress.

"Good, now that I am on top of you." Sophia says smugly.

"Grr... I don't feel like moving."

"Why? Cause I am in control?"

"Testing me was your first and final mistake," Collin says menacingly. He spread his arms out and using them to suddenly leap up with full force. Bumping Sophia out of the way and standing over her.

Sophia pretends to cower in front of Collin. "Oh no, I am in so much trouble." She says in a monotone.

"No, I just wanted you to not be in control, hehe. Now, where's my macbook..."

Sophia sweeps Collin's feet, so he lands on top of her. "Nevermind that..." She says mysteriously, right before she kisses him.

He raises an eyebrow, "Why so?" He says on all 4 above her.

"Maybe because we need to continue what we were doing last night..."

"Hmm... get me then I'll see." He starts to crawl away quickly and stands up looking for the macbook.

"Fine, but stop making me work!" Sophia complains, as she grabs his wrist.

"Bazinga!" Collin grabs on to her wrist and drags her to the bed and slams her down. He put one foot on the bed, overlooking Sophia.

"Hehe, look who is in control now."

"Do your worst."

Collin leans in and starts to kiss with impact, forcing his tongue in instead. He uses one of his hands to stay upright and another to cradle her head. If she wanted the worse, she was going to get close to it.

He looks at Sophia, "I'm too proper for the worse."

"We both know you are not."

He looks down, "Maybe."

"So, do the worst you can do."

He lunges his head down and starts nibbling on her neck. He asks, "How does it feel?"

"Amazing," she whispers.

"That's good to hear."

He moves up to the ear, nibbling on them after a little while, "Now?"

"Just take me now."

"Oh miss Sullivan, but where?" He whispers seductively into her ear. He rests his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know." Sophia whispers back.

Collin looks towards Sophia once more, staring at her majesty, "Then a kiss won't hurt, right?" He moves slowly towards her and gently connects each other's lips.

"No, it won't. It might only slow things down though."

"A slow and nice pace, hmm?" He bites down on her lip.

"If you want."

"How do you prefer it?"

"Whatever you are most comfortable with."

"What do you prefer the most?"


"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"You do... So do I."


Collin rolls over and hugs Sophia, "Mmm, you're so damn beautiful..."

"Cool, well, you are sexy."

"One-up, you're oozingly dripping sexy right now."

"Well, I got nothing to say to that."

"You surely got something..."

"I wonder how sexy you would look in the moonlight." Sophia says.

"Hmm, I wonder how sexy you would look facing towards a setting sun."

"I wonder how sexy you would look in broad daylight." Sophia whispers.

"I wonder how sexy you would look in... hmm... Now you got me."

"Ha, yes I did."

"I wonder how sexy you look..." Collin pauses, "in a dress. And, I wonder how I'd look in a proper suit... And I wonder how sexy we'd collectively be with such attire!"

"Just shut your sexy mouth."

"Then I wonder about how sexy we'd be on wedding day..."

"Shut your sexy mouth."

"Or what Missus?"

"I won't let you see my sexy body."

"We both know that'd be pretty sexy."

"Yes, so?"

Collin grins and stays there in silence.



"What?" Sophia asks.

He tilts his head, testing a hypothesis.

"You good?"

He nods a heartedly nod to reassure his goodness.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Staying quiet," Collin whispers.


Collin looks at Sophia, expecting something to happen soon enough. Well, if his hypothesis is to be correct and all. They both stare at each other in awkwardness...

"So, what to do?" Sophia asks, breaking the silence.

"Darn, the experiment is a failure!"

"What?" Sophia asks.

"Experiment. There was one, but it's now classified as a failure."

"Cool? But that doesn't answer the question."

"You started it by asking me to stay quiet. That's the answer."

"Give me a straight answer."

"'Shut your sexy mouth.' 'Or what?' 'No sexy body..?' Hypothesis, something happens if I stay quiet."


"Just recalling what happened." He points to the ceiling wistfully.

"Like I would stop you. Like I could stop you."

"Conclusion, nothing happens. I know, I know... Just answering your question."

"Well, then don't answer, and change your hypothesis yourself."

"I already have a new hypothesis, don't worry about that. However, I'm currently worried about my bladder. Where's the restroom?"

"RIght outside my room."

"Thank you!" Collin runs out and attends to himself in the restroom briefly. After washing his hands, he comes back to Sophia's bedroom once more. Carefully this time in a defensive pose, expecting a surprise.

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