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*1200 Washburn*

Hank and Ana were called on scene after a few members of the team interrupted a carjacking in progress. Hailey and Jay stood on either side of the two Sergeants as they walked further into the area.

"The whole thing is a mess. We're basically looking at three crime scenes. It started back there on Washburn with a carjacking that Atwater and Rojas responded to." The male Detective sighed, gesturing to the road behind them.

"Okay." The older man nodded for them to continue.

"The two offenders fled and crashed into that car." The blonde pointed at an obviously damaged vehicle.

"Right." Ana muttered under breath.

This case was getting more complicated by the second.

"Then one offender took off in the car, the other one Rojas chased down and he was impaled by rebar." Hailey finished.

"So that's our DOA." Hank guessed.

"Yeah." The blonde confirmed.

"And the carjacking victim?" Ana wondered.

"Yeah, she's a young woman. She was beaten pretty bad. She's on her way to Med." Hailey reported.

"Listen, did the responding backup units pick up anything?" Hank inquired. "Cause we were on the zone and we didn't hear any chatter."

"That's the thing, Boss. They didn't call for backup." Jay revealed.

The two Sergeants stopped in their tracks and turned to stare at the male Detective before sharing a look.

"Huh." The older man grunted in thought.

"Bluejay, do us a favor and see if you can tie this thing up?" Ana requested with a small smile.

"Yeah." He nodded, giving her one in return before rushing back the way they came.

"Talk to me." Hank demanded as the three continued on their way.

A few minutes later had them walking under a strip of red tape, being held up for them, and towards Kevin and Rojas. Ana immediately ducked behind her husband and Hailey actually shifted to help hide the brunette as well.

"All right, walk me through this, Kev. Why didn't you call for backup?" Hank inquired as he stopped in front of the two.

The male Officer glanced at the floor before replying.

"It was a hot pursuit, Sarge. Heat of the moment everything just happened real fast-"

"Look, Atwater told me to radio for backup, but the offender was fleeing." Rojas interrupted. "And if I had stopped, I would've lost him."

"Hmm. You know there's a lot of officers out there monitoring that radio, ready to help." Hank pointed out.

"I know. It was instinct." She explained.

"Instinct." The older man scoffed, glancing at Kevin. "Well your instinct just caught us a carjacking, an officer-involved death, and a pile of paperwork. Not a good look on your first day." He snarked.

And with that, Hank walked off with his wife and Hailey in tow.

*District 21: Bullpen*

"This is for real? Antonio's moving to Puerto Rico for sure?" Adam asked in disbelief after he found Kim updating the Call Signs Board on Hank's orders.

Ana clenched her jaw and glared down at her desk. She understood why he had to leave but the elder Detective didn't even say goodbye. . . and that is a type of pain the brunette was all too familar with.

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