Chapter 2 Dream?

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I sit up and I see Stiles sleeping on the end of my bed "Hey cutie" I say as I slowly crawl towards him and I pet his little head. I look over at the clock and it's 7:00am so I get up and I walk over to my closet to get changed for the day.

With a pair of brown boots "Ok cutie let's go downstairs and eat something" I say to Stiles as I pick him up and walk downstairs to my kitchen

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With a pair of brown boots "Ok cutie let's go downstairs and eat something" I say to Stiles as I pick him up and walk downstairs to my kitchen. I walk into my kitchen with Stiles then I put him on the ground so he can eat his food and drink his water. I make my pancakes and I start to eat them as Stiles eat his cat food, then there's a pounding at my door I look at Stiles and he runs to his hiding place and I go to the door. I open it and I see Tommy and Tubbo "Hey guys what's up?" I ask them "Oh nothing really Wilber wanted us to tell you that there's going to be a meeting at 11:00" Tubbo says I nod at them "Ok I'll be there" I say "Did you make anything?" Tommy asks "Ya I made pancakes do you guys want some?" I ask "Sure" they both say in unison I laugh and let them inside. They go sit on my kitchen counter and I get their food and put it on two plates, then I set the plates in front of them "Enjoy guys" I say as I go back to eat my plate of pancakes. After about 20 or 30 minutes later the three of us finish eating our food and I look at the time 8:30am "hey do you guys want to do a little training before we head to the meeting?" I ask them and they look at each other "Sure I don't mind what about you Big T?" Tubbo asks Tommy "Hmm sure lets get a little training done so we could defeat Green boi and show him that we're not to be messed with." Tommy says as he gets up and show off his 'muscles' I slightly giggle "Ok lets go" I say as I put the plates into the sink so I could do them later then I go over to the boys and the three of us go outside and we start traing.
2 hours later
After the three of us finish training for the day I tell the boys to go take a break and Tommy almost fell twice and he kept getting back up and continued to train "That was awesome you guys did very well and I have a feeling that you guys are going to make great warriors someday " I say to them with a smile "Thanks Y/n"Tubbo says with a cute smile"Ya thanks Woman"Tommy says as he sits down on a log and Tubbo sits down next to him. I shake my head "Hey guys" I hear and I turn around I see Eret "Hey Eret" Tommy and Tubbo say "Hey Eret" I say "Hey what're you guys up to?" He asks in a weird tone "Oh nothing we just finish training and we're taking a break before the meeting" I say "Oh that's cool so how did you guys do?" He asks the boys "Y/n says we did great and that we both are going to be great warriors someday"Tubbo says with a smile "Ya" Tommy says with a slight smile "That's great" Eret says "So Eret what's up?" I ask "Well Wilber wanted me to get you guys for the meeting" He says "Oh wait what time is it?" Tommy asks as he looks at his watch "Oh my god its 10:45am we got a go"he says as he grabs Tubbo's arm and runs to the van "Well lets get going so we know what Wilber wants to tell us"Eret says and the two of us run after the boy to the van. We get in the van with a few minutes to spare and we all wait for Wilber to start the meeting...."Ok everyone is here let start" Wilber says as he looks over at all of us "I know you're all wondering what this meeting is about well I know today the war starts and I wanted all of you to know that 'You will, by the dignity of your conduct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, 'Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.' now let's show Dream what L'Manberg is really made of!" Wilber says and all of us cheer "Let's go" Tommy says as we all run outside of the van and we see Dream and his team outside the walls of L'Manberg 'I never met Dream or his comrades before today and I'm a little scared' I think to myself "Y/n go 'hide'"Wilber says 'hide' is a code for change into my armor so I could go into battle without anyone knowing who I am. I nod and run back into the van and get changed into my suit

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