Chapter 4 they're gone I'm sorry

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Y/n's POV
I look over at Dream then I look down at his lap and I see him "Stiles?" I say as my eyes start to water "Is it really him or are you messing with my mind?" I ask as I look at Dream he looks back at me and shakes his head "No I'm not messing with your head he's really here" he says as he gently places Stiles in my hands. I immediately cry happy tears "Why are you crying?" Dream asks "I honestly don't know" I say as I look down at Stiles and he cuddles into my stomach. "Ok well there's going to be a few rules and if you don't follow them then something bad will happen to little Stiles and your friends in L'manberg" Dream says in a serious tone and I look up at him with a scared look "No please don't hurt them or Stiles please" I beg him as another tear comes down my cheek then I look back at Stiles. After a few seconds I hear a sigh "Well in the next few days you can go back to your 'room'...but for now you'll stay in here" He says in a soft voice "why can't I go back now?" I ask as I pet Stiles and he starts to purr "Well you can't go now because we need to change the window and put the lock on the you don't pick the lock again "Dream says as he lightly pets Stiles' head. I look up at Dream and nod at him to show I understand "Look I know that this seems very bad but think of this as a chance to change sides" He says with a slight smile. 'What in the actual hell' I think to myself I look at him in his stupid mask "Who in this world do you think you are?" I ask him in a furious tone "I would never join the SMP I'm not a traitor like Eret I would never leave them" I say to him as I slowly lie back down on the bed Stiles stands up and slowly walks over to the foot of the bed and he curls up into a little ball. I hear Dream sigh as I turn to face away from him "Ok so for the next few days you'll be staying in here so don't try anything" He says in a disappointed tone as he gets up from the bed and walks towards the door "Is there anything else you want to know before I go?" he asks I look over at the window "um ya I have two questions...One are my friends ok?" I ask him "Yes if their medbay is any good they should be fine...and what's your second question?" He asks "Who's room am I in?" I ask as I sit up slightly and look around. I hear Dream chuckle a little bit "Oh Princess you're in my room" He says as he leaves the room. After he leaves I hear a click sound which means he locked the door 'damn I was hoping he wouldn't lock it...It's ok just think of a plane for Stiles and I can escape this place' I think to myself as I lie back down.

Dream's POV
I leave my room and I walk to 'her room' so I can take a look around "Hmm what did you use to pick the window?" I ask myself as I walk into the room and walked to the window. I look down at the desk and I see her shoeprint on the top of the desk. "Hmm now what did you use to pick the lock?" I ask myself again as I look around the desk. I turn my head and I see a hair clip so I picked it up "George Sapnap!" I yell for them and I hear some stumbling coming from the stair I turn around and I see George and Sap out of breath "What's....up?" George asks "Can you two replace the window then the three of us need to discuss what part two is..." I say as I leave the room and head downstairs.

Y/n's POV
A few hours later
I wake up from my nap and I see Stiles sleeping 'I'm still here why did they take me and why did Dream say sorry before knocking me out?' I think to myself as I look to the left and I see a dark brown acoustic guitar "Wilber thought me a few cords and there's a song that my real parents used to sing to me as a kid..." I say as I slowly get up and walk to the guitar then I pick it up

" I say as I slowly get up and walk to the guitar then I pick it up

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