Chapter 3 Stiles?

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Y/n's POV
"Dream?" I say confused "Hello Princess"He says I look around again and I start to panic "Wh- where am I?" I ask him as his two teammates come in. "Well Princess you're in the Dream Team's base" He says as he leans on the wall. Then the guy with glasses walks towards me, I get a little scared and I start going back, but I stop because I start to feel pain and the guy stops "Whoa hey it's ok I'm just going to change your bandages" he says as he puts his hands up.

I look at him confused and he points at my chest and side...I look down and I see big bandages and I see red slowly seeping through "Oh god my stitches" I say in an annoyed voice. The 2 closest to me look confused as Dream just looks at me 'what is he thinking?' I think to myself as I look over to my side and I see a slight blood stain on my shirt "Crap" I say the guy with the glasses looks at me "Oh god your bleeding..." He says "Oh really I had no idea thank you captain obvious" I say sarcastically as I gently put my hand on my wound "ok ok easy I want to help you but being mean isn't going to help you" He says as he puts both his hands in the air to show that he means no harm. I slowly get up from the bed and as I do so I start to get very dizzy and my vision start's to get fogy "what's happening.... Dream..." I say as I slowly close my eyes and then I black out.

Dream's POV
She says "..Dream..." before she passes out and she starts to fall, I don't know what cam over me, but I ran to her and caught her I look at her then I look up at George and Sapnap "What just happened?" Sapnap asks "I don't know but George we need to check her wounds and get her back into bed" I say to him "Yes we do" He starts "Ok Sapnap go get the first add kit from the bathroom I'm going to get some supplies from the medbay, and Dream get her back into bed and keep pressure on her wound till we get back" he says then he and Sapnap go and get everything. I gently put my arms under her legs, then I go over to the bed and I gently place her on it then I gently turn her on her right side and I put pressure on her wound with my left hand. I look behind me to the door to try to look in the hallway but I can't see them... I look back at Y/n and a few strands of her hair go on her face. So with my right hand and I gently tuck the strands away from her face and I see a few scars on her face and a recent one over her right cheek from one of our arrows. I slowly lean towards her ear "Oh god Y/n I'm so sorry..." I say in a whisper to her then I leaned back and I looked back at her wound and it's bleeding more so I put my right hand over my left hand then I hear George and Sapnap "Thank XD you guys are back she's bleeding a lot" I say loud enough so they can hear me. "Ok now lets get her patched up" George says as he and Sapnap place all of the supplies on the desk and the three of us get to work

A few hours later
After we finish patching her up we go downstairs and we waited for Y/n to wake up. Some how Sap and George fell asleep and I went up to my room so I could come up with a plan just in case the 'manberg' try and get Y/n back.

I wake up and I feel pain on my right side "Oh my god what happened?" I ask myself and I sit up and I still feel pain. "Ok I need to get out of here" I say to myself as I slowly get up from the bed and I walk over to the window and I also see that it's raining then I start to think 'Ok it looks like it's locked do I have anything to help me..' I start looking around the room, then I remember "I have a bobby pin in my hair" I say to myself as I feel around in my short hair the has a small braid and I pull out 2 bobby pins and my braid comes undone. I put one on the table and with the other one I step up to the window sill and I start to pick the lock "Thank god Fundy taught me how to pick a lock a few days ago" I say to myself as I unlocked the window, then I open the window and I see it's raining a lot "Ok I have to be careful" I say as I set on the window and I make my way over to the roof. I get on the roof then I hear the door to the room I was in open "oh god" I whisper "Hey Y/n I got you something to eat if you're awake" I hear the guy who betrayed us say "Oh god DREAM SHE'S GONE" he screams to Dream then I hear Dream and the other 2 freak out "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?" he asks as he screams back to Eret and I hear Dream run into the room "Ok this is the best time for me to skedaddle" I say as I look around the roof to see where L'manberg is "Ok L'manberg faces north so I need to go south" I say to myself as I look at my watch and I look at the little compass and I look around and I go towards the south side of the roof "Alright lets get down and let's try not to die" I say to myself as I slowly rock climb down then I hear "Y/nnn where are you?" I hear Dream say from the roof "Oh god I need to go faster" I say in a whisper as I climb down more faster away from Dream. I get lower and I jump down the rest the way down and I land on the ground, then I decided to make a run through the woods. As I run through the forest I hear footsteps behind me and I know who it is so I run faster and faster. After a few minutes of running I look behind me and I see no one behind me so I stop and try to catch my breath. I put my hands on my knees and I breath in and out, then I hear footsteps behind me then I get tackled to the ground by none other than by Dream. He turns me around and places me on my stomach and he ties my hand behind my back and I keep trying struggling then he lifts me up into a sitting position I start to freak out and I start to cry "Dream please I need to get back...... I need to make sure that they're ok" I say I look up at him but he doesn't say anything and he grabs my forearm and brings me up 'ok I need to tell him about Stiles...' I think to myself as I shed more tears "Dream please I need to know he's ok....He's only 4 months old!" I scream at him and we stop "You have a son?" He asks as he turns around to look at me "No he's my kitten his name's Stiles..." I say as I look at the ground "Stiles?" He asks "Yes he's the only a baby and I don't know if the explosion hit my house and and I don't know if he's ok so I need to go to L'manberg so I can see if he's ok" I say while I continue to cry worrying about if he's alive or not...then I feel a warm hand on my face wiping away my tears and I look up at him confused then I only see black.

Dream POV
I wipe away her tears cause I hate seeing her crying and she looks at me confused, then I knocked her out with the back of my sword. After I knock her out she falls into my arms and Sapnap and George come towards us and I look at them "Good you guy are here" I start to say as I give Y/n to Sapnap and he picks her up bridle style "Bring her back to the castle and don't bring her to her room bring her to mine" I say as I slowly walk backwards "Wait we're you going?" George asks "I need to take care of something first" I say they both nod and go back to the castle and I make my way to L'manberg and try to find Y/n's house. After 10 minutes of walking on the prime path I get to L'manberg 'Ok I need to sneak in and find her house without any of them seeing me' I think to myself as I walk towards the right side and I look around. I see a tree close to the wall and I climb it and I jump over to the top of the wall. I land, then I jump down on the ground and I slowly make my way to the closest house I see and I look at the sign and it says 'Tommy & Tubbo' "Ok not this one" I say in a whisper then I move on to the other house. After almost an hour trying to find her house I see another house that's almost haft destroyed and I run to the sign and it says 'Y/n' with a little smile on the side "Oh god" I say to myself as I run into the house and I look for her kitten "Stiles?" I say and I hear a "Meow?"

 After almost an hour trying to find her house I see another house that's almost haft destroyed and I run to the sign and it says 'Y/n' with a little smile on the side "Oh god" I say to myself as I run into the house and I look for her kitten "Sti...

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I turn around and I see a little ball of white with a little bit of brown and black on his head and back slowly walking towards me and he's a bit dirty "Hey little guy" I say and I try to walk closer to him but he backs up so I stop. "Oh you're scared I'm sorry" I say and I take off my mask and attach it to my belt then I look at him and he comes closer to me "Hey Stiles" I say to him as I put my hand near his nose so he can sniff me then he comes up to my legs and cuddles my shoes "Aww your so cute I see why she's worried about you I would be to" I say then I think about Patches

 "Oh you're scared I'm sorry" I say and I take off my mask and attach it to my belt then I look at him and he comes closer to me "Hey Stiles" I say to him as I put my hand near his nose so he can sniff me then he comes up to my legs and cuddles my...

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"You know I have a cat to and her name is Patches and she is one of the sweetest things in the world and I think she's going to like you" I say as I pick him up and pet his little head then I put him in my satchel bag and I put my mask back on then I make my way back to the castle. After 20 minutes of snaeking, climbing, and walking I get back and I walk inside and I'm see Sapnap and George sitting in the living room "Hey guys" I say as I close the door "Hey where were you?" Sapnap asks "Oh you know looking around L'manberg making sure they're not planing anything" I say as I slowly make my way towards the staircase "So were they?" George asks "No they were sleeping so I just sat in a tree watching" I say "Hmm" George says "Ok so I'm going to check on out prisoner then go to sleep" I say as I walk up the stairs. I walk up and I go to my room and I see Y/n lying down on my bed sleeping peacefully, so I walk towards her and I gently try to wake her up "Hey Y/n I have something special for you" I say as I sit on the bed "Hmmm what do you want?" She asks in a sad voice "Hey I have something you might love" I say with a smile even though she can't see it I feel like she might smile when she see's him. "What?" She asks again, still lying down I look down at my bag and I open it and Stiles peeks his little head out "Meow?" He squeaks and I see her open her eyes and sits up then she looks at me then looks down at my lap "Stiles?"

Hope you liked this chapter next one will be out in a bit 🤗

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