Chapter 5 Will the sun ever shine again

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Y/n's POV
"I hate him...." I say to myself as I'm sitting in the corner of the room crying about what Dream just told me 'I hate him..'I think to go myself as I push my legs up to my chest and I put my arms around them. I feel like I've been crying for hours then I hear a knock at the door "Y/n? Please come out" I hear someone say but I don't respond. After a few minutes they leave good they got the message 'Leave me alone' I think to myself and I continue to cry for my my family. It's been a few days since Dream told me about what happened and after he told me..he brought me back to my 'room'. I haven't seen him since then...I can't talk to any of them. George and Sapnap tried to talk to me but I never say anything. I also haven't been eating and I haven't slept since...I feel so weak and I hate feeling weak. Then I hear a light knock on the door "Princess are you awake?" I hear but I don't say anything then I hear the door open I don't look up but I already know who just walked in. "Princess please look at me.." Dream says in a soft tone but I don't move I just continue to softly cry and I keep my head on my knees. "Princess please" he says in the same tone as he sits next to me "I've been told by George and Sap that you haven't been eating...and it looks like you also haven't been sleeping ether" He says in a softer tone "I...don'" I say in a tired tone I feel his eyes on me. "I know but please you have to eat.." He says in a sad tone bracikly begging me to eat, sleep, and to leave the room I'm in. I just want to leave and never come back..."Please I'll make you anything you want then you could take a nice nap...and I'll give you a tour of the house then you and Stiles could do whatever you want...just please eat and sleep for a bit please...I'll do anything...please" He says in a sadder tone. I slowly lift my head and I see his mask looking down...I give in then I gently lift my hand and I place it on the floor so I could get up. As I tried to get up my legs give out and I fall on my butt. I make a whimper sound and that gets Dream's attention. He looks up at and he see's I'm trying to stand up "Hey it's ok let me help you up" He says as he stands up and picks me up bridle style "I'll bring you downstairs and I'll make you something...George and Sapnap are out getting materials so they'll should be back by dinner so don't worry" He says in a sweet tone I just nod at him. He leaves my room and he carrys me downstairs to the kitchen. He slowly sets me down at the island chair. He walks to the other side of the island and he looks at me "So what would you like to eat?" He asks I just stay quiet "Ok how about I make you some roman noodles?" He asks I just nod at him and I look down "Ok it'll take a few so just relax and I'll cook" He says as he walks into the pantry and he gets the ingredients. As he gets them he puts them on the counter in front of me..I just watch him grab a cutting bord and a knife from the drowers. I watch him fill a pot with water and he puts it on the stove...he turns on the stove then he grabs some verggies. He starts to cut them and I just watch..after he finishes cutting he grabs the noodles and puts them into the pot. He turns around and looks at me "I hope you like the show" He says with a smirk. Normaly I would say something sarcastic but I can't I just feel my face get hot and I just look down.."I'm sorry did I make you blush?" He asks with his stupid smirk again then I hear him laugh. "Sorry Princess I'm joking" He says as he turns back to the noodles and he adds some broth then the veggies. As he finishes he turns of the stove then he goes into the cabinet and pulls out two bowls. He pours into both bowls then he takes out two forks and puts one bowl in front of me and he puts the other one down and he sits next to me. He gives me a fork and we both eat in silence....after we both finish eatting I start to feel a little better "So what would you like to do?" He asks as he puts both bowls in the sink then he looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and I start to play with my figures "Would you like to explore the house?" He asks I look up at him and I slowly nod "Would you like me to come with you or would you rather be alone?" He asks "you can come with me if you want..." I say slowly as I slowly get off the chair. "Ya I would like to join you" He says with a smile I'm happy I could see half his face maybe he'll feel comfortable and he'll show me his face. I slowly walk onto the living room and I look around....then I walk over to the right side of the room and I walk down a hallway I see a big archway and I see a big piano in the middle of the room. 'I've always loved playing the piano when I was younger I never knew my family I only have one picture in my locket. The picture was of me when I was a baby with my 'brother' and our parents...I only have this and two songs that I remember my mom sing to us...' I think to myself as I walk over to the piano and I play some cords then I remember another song and I start to play.

Rain is pourin'
down like the heavens are hurtin'
Seems like it's been dark since the
devil knows when
How do you go on, never knowin'
for certain
Will the sun ever shine again?

Feels like it's been
years since it started to thunder
Clouds are campin'
out in the valley and glen
How do you go on,
when you can't help but wonder
Will the sun ever shine again?

What if the rain keeps fallin'?
What if the sky stays gray?
What if the wind keeps squallin'
And never go away?

Maybe the soon the storm
will be tired of blowin'
Maybe soon it all will be over,
How do you go on,
if there's no way of knowin'?
Will the sun ever shine?
Wish I could say
Send me a sign
One little ray
Lord, if you're list'nin',
how long until then?
Will the sun ever shine again?

After I finish I hear clapping...I get scared and I turn around and I see the Dream Team behind me "That was amazing Y/n" George says with a big smile "T-thanks" I say with a little stutter. Sapnap just looks at me with a shocked face and I see Dream smiling at me "Can I go back to my room please?" I ask Dream shakes his head "Ya sure I'll bring you" He says I nod and I walk towards the door. Dream follows me upstairs and into my room "I hope you have a good night sleep" He says as I get into the bed. He walks over to the door then he turns his head looking at me "Good night Princess" He says as he leaves the room and closes the door....I hear him sigh then he locks the door....I lie down and I imeditly fall asleep.... and I have the wirdest dream in this world....

Hope you liked this chapter next one will be out in a bit 😊

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