Avneet's Childhood Friend

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Siddharth slept.. But Avu didn't...

Avu thought*

Who is this Aashika? What she did with Siddharth.. I have to know.. But how.. I can't ask him.. Then..?😓

Then suddenly a idea occurred to her*

Ohhh yeah I can interrogate that greedy couple.. They might know something🤔

Next morning*

Sid woke up.. But Avu didn't sleep last night.. She was already tensed about Sid's health and moreover she thought all night that how to know his past...

Avu(sweetly)- Sid... Go and get freshen up.. Today I've to go out for some important work..
Sid- Okay..

He got up.. Avu fed her and then she told

Avu- Listen until I come don't sleep.. Coz when you sleep you see that bad dreams..😔
Sid(lowered his face)- Okay..
Avu- Hmmmm.. and don't lock the door..
Sid- Okay.. but Avu...
Avu- What? Tell me...
Sid- Can I go with you? I feel very scared alone..🥺
Avu(thought something)- Mmm.. no sorry Sid.. Achha if someone will stay with you then you will not be afraid na?
Sid- Who will stay?
Avu- Listen.. when I was very young then my parents died.. Then I was really depressed.. And then Anushka was my bestest friend.. She took me to her house and her mom and dad helped me a lot.. They gave every expenses.. Like my school fees, tuition fees, my college.. everything... They are a really good family... So if you don't mind then should I call Anushka to stay with you?
Sid(little nervous)- Mmmm.. but I've never met her..
Avu- Rrrre Sid.. don't worry.. she is really a very good girl.. And you know she is very funny.. she can keep you happy.. and the most important thing is that I trust her.. And there's none other that her whom I trust so much...
Sid- Okay then... As you are saying so she will be of course good...
Avu(smiled)- Hmm.. that's like a good boy..😊❤

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