Argue Between Sid And Avu?

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Sid tried to sleep again.. But he couldn't.. Everytime he closed his eyes the scenes were coming in front of his eyes..

Sid(boldly): Avneet i told you to go..
Avu: Baby what's your problem? Am I disturbing you?
Sid: Yes you are.. just go.. I want to live alone..
Avu(shouted): But I won't.. I won't leave you alone..
Sid: Why? You just left me alone yesterday.. What about that?
Avu: Are you angry with me for that reason only?
Sid: Avneet just GO!
Avu: Baby listen yesterday I had a important work.. I had to go.. and I asked you 100 times that you can live alone or not! Why are you blaming me..
Sid(his eyes became moist): Okay so every falt is mine.. Okay I agree.. You just go..

Avu sighed and held his face..

Avu(softly): Baby look at me.. I'm sorry.. Please don't cry.. Were you scared to stay alone? Mmmm?
Sid(drops of tears fell down his cheeks): No.. Go from here...
Avu(wiped his tears): Awwwiee don't cry.. Tell me Please...
Sid: No.. you won't believe me..
Avu: Rrre why won't I believe you?
Sid: Please..
Avu: Achha okay tell me that why are you letting me come close to you?
Sid: I'm feeling nauseous..
Avu: Why?
Sid: Why are you asking the same question again and again.. I don't want to tell..
Avu: Okay okay sorry...
Sid: Can you give me sleeping pills?
Avu: Baby... why you take them? They aren't good...
Sid: I'm taking it after three four months.. Will you give or keep arguing?
Avu: Sorry.. wait I'm giving..

Avu gave him the pills and noticed he was going to take two.. She quickly snatched it from his hands and it suddenly fell on the floor..

Sid(angrily): Why you did this?
Avu: Baby you were taking two.. one is enough...
Sid(shout): Avneet!!!
Avu: Siddharth don't shout! Just lay down if you want to sleep...
Sid(He started crying vigorously): I'm also also a person Avneet.. I've also some wishes.. Everyone just uses me for their fun.. Why? And I know that you have done many things for me.. I'm grateful for that but please leave me alone now.. Please.. You never asked my opinion... Just leave me alone go...
Avu(her eyes also became teary): Baby please don't do like that... Sleeping pills are really not good.. What happened tell me why can't you sleep?
Sid: Please give me the pills...
Avu: Okay then only one...
Sid(sighed): Okay give me...

Avu took out one Sleeping pill and gave to him...

Sid layed down on the bed and Avu sat beside him... But Sid couldn't sleep still.. Avu was feeling very scared.. She caressed her hands over his head... But Sid suddenly started crying...

Avu was shocked...

She noticed that he was having shortness of breath... She made him sit and rubbed his back but he suddenly fainted...

Avu got so much panicked that she couldn't understand that what to do... She took her phone and called Abhi dada...

The call*

Avu(crying): Dada please come back.. please...
Abhi: Rrre Avu why are you crying.. Is everything fine?
Avu: I don't know.. He fainted...
Abhi: Avu tell me clearly...

Vaish saw Abhi 's face was looking tensed..

Vaish: What happened?
Abhi: Idk... Avu is crying...
Vaish: Give the phone to me...

Vaish took the call...

Vaish: Avu what happened? Sid is fine?
Avu: No didi... He fainted...
Vaish: Calm down.. Calm down.. tell clearly...

Avu explained the whole thing that happened from morning...

Vaish: Avu nothing will happen.. I think he is very scared of something.. Sprinkle water on his face and feed him something...
Avu: Okay.. but why is he scared? Uffff everything just happened because of me..
Vaish: Avu don't blame yourself.. It's not your fault..

Avu sprinkled water on his face...

Avu: Didi he isn't waking up...
Vaish: Sprinkle some more..

Avu Sprinkled more water and patted his cheeks..

Avu(happily): Didi Didi he is getting back his sense...
Vaish: Thank God.. Listen don't talk to him now.. feed him and make him sleep..
Avu: Okay... Bye...
Vaish: Bye...

The call ends*

Avu make Sid lay on bed properly and brought some food and fed him.. He didn't ate much... Then she sat beside him and cuddled him... She covered him with a blanket...

Sid closed his eyes slowly...

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