Who Is Baby?

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[After 5 years]

~Siddharth's side~

Sid was sitting on the sofa waiting for Anu. They had to go to temple.

After sometime Anu came~

Sid looked at her and got amazed...❤

Sid: How can be someone so beautiful?
Anu(blushed): Mmmm.. after all it's your wife🙈
Sid: So true.. my Anu... you are looking like an angel.. BTW again a very very happy birthday to my beauty queen..
Anu: Awwieeee you are so sweet.. Thank you...

Sid: Welcum.. but tell me one thing..
Anu: What?
Sid: It's your b'day na.. Then every year why you give puja for me? I should give puja for you na?
Anu(laughed): You are my life Sid.. So I give puja for you..

Sid smiled..

Anu: Okay okay.. now come.. otherwise we will get late..
Sid: Yes, let's go...
Anu: Have you taken the key of the car?
Sid: Shit! I forgot...
Anu: Ohooo Siddu.. go and take and come soon...

After taking the key of the car they went to temple..

~Avneet's side~

Ashi was standing near the door with a plate full of flowers, fruits and sweets in her hands..

Ashi: Sia, are you ready?
Sia: Yes, wait a min please...
Ashi: Okay...

Sia came after sometime..

Ashi: Ready?
Sia: Yes.. but Ashi when I will get to know about my baby? Who is my baby?
Ashi: Sia keep faith on God.. See everything will be fine one day.. You will get your baby back.. BTW last night you also dreamed about your baby?
Sia: Yes, but the problem is the dreams are so blurry you know... But Ashi you know I never saw a baby in my dream...I don't understand that why I only remember this word?
Ashi: You don't see any baby?
Sia: No.. never only two people.. one male and one female...

Then they both sighed and went..

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