Will You Marry Me?

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Three of them entered the house..

Anu- Dada, please sit.. and I've a surprise for you!😉
Abhi- Ohhh really? What's that Avneetay?

Avu called Anu.. Anu came

Anu- Ohhh you both came? How is Siddu?
Avu- Hmmm, he is fine but look who is here...

Abhi and Anu looked at each other and became very very happy...

Anu- Dada? Omg... how are you? After so long...
Abhi- Anu.. you are also here.. I'm so happy.. I met my two sisters after so long..😍
Avu- Yes Dada, now sit here.. I'm bringing some cold drinks for you..

Avu then looked at Sid and said..

Avu- Baby, sit beside dada.. and drink water... go...
Sid(puffed his cheeks)- Why? I will also have cold drink.. please..
Avu- No.. only water.. now go and sit...
Abhi- Avu, if he wants to drink then give na...
Avu- No no.. if he is willing to drink then I will make orange juice for him later.. You don't know him.. he will have cold drink and again fall ill..

Avu went to bring cold drink.. Anu and Sid sat with Abhi...

Abhi- Anu, why you are here?
Anu- For Siddu..
Abhi- For Siddharth?
Anu- Yeah I mean, he is my school life best friend.. And he didn't let me go...
Abhi- Ohhh.. I see..

Avu brought water and gave it to Sid.. Abhi took the cold drink and started drinking...

Abhi looked at Sid and noticed that he was holding Avu's dress tight and was looking frightened and wasn't also drinking the water..

Abhi- Siddharth? What happened?

Avu looked at Sid and cuddled his hair..

Avu- Baby.. drink the water.. what happened?

Anu also looked at Sid..

Anu- What happened Siddu?

Anu started approaching towards him.. Sid became more frightened.. He suddenly left the glass and it fell and broke..

Avu became a little angry...

Sid- Don't come near me Anushka.. Go.. Go from here...

Anu realized that Abhi was there so she left before the situation spoils more..

Avu(shouted)- Siddharth! What's this? Why did you left the glass?

Sid became scared and he hugged Avu tightly...

Avu- Siddharth I've asked you something.. Answer me...
Sid(mumbled)- Sorry..Sorry...
Avu- Leave me Siddharth.. what Sorry sorry? And why you always get scared when you see Anu? See Siddharth, she is here only for what you said.. and now you are ignoring her... what's this? Won't she feel bad? Stop this Siddharth..

Sid started crying..

Sid(in between crying)- No.. no.. she is very bad.. very bad...
Avu- Ufff.. what are you saying.. stop it..
Abhi- Avu.. Avu.. calm down.. He started crying.. don't scold him...

Avu sighed..

Avu- Sorry I became a little angry...

She then wiped his tears and hugged him...

Avu- Sorry baby.. don't cry please.. You have to understand na.. Anu cares you so much.. and if you ignore her like this then she will feel bad..
Sid- But he is bad..
Avu- Why are you saying like that?

Sid looked at Abhi and lowered his face.. Abhi realized that he was feeling awkward to tell in front of Abhi..

Abhi- Avu.. take him to the room na..
Avu- Ohh, yes..

Avu took Sid to the room.. She made him sit on the bed and and she sat on the floor and held his hands..

Avu- Baby, tell me...
Sid- Avu I want to tell you something... but first promise me that you won't get angry...
Avu- Okkk baba I promise you..
Sid(mumbled)- Will you... marry me?

And then there was a silent for sometime.. Avu couldn't believe her ears.. She jumped With happiness and hugged Sid...

Avu- Omgggg.. I can't believe.. I was waiting long for this day... I can't really believe this..

But then suddenly she heard Abhi's voice.. He was calling her..

Sid and Avu came.. But Avu couldn't stop her smile and she kept blushing...

Abhi- Why are you blushing?
Avu- mmm... no.. no.. I'm not..
Abhi- Achha listen Avu tomorrow morning I'm going back to London so I've to go home now.. I've to pack..
Avu- Tomorrow only?
Abhi- Yes dear...
Avu- Ohh no.. Actually me and Sid are gonna marry soon.. and I thought that you would attend.. but...
Abhi- Really? That's great news.. I liked your couple very much.. I'm very happy for you both.. And don't be sad.. Though I can't attend your wedding but my blessings are always with you both.. Stay happy forever.. And never leave each other's hand..

Sid and Avu made obeisance to Abhi and and took his blessings...

Then Sid, Avu and Anu bed good bye to him.. Abhi left...

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