Colorful World

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(ITZY's Ryujin x Fem Reader)

"Legend says you two would have broken the curse once the destined person brought colors to your life, a lot may come but one will stay and prove their love until you see their worth"

"But mom, those are fairytale stories.. I don't believe in those" You say without removing your gaze from your book, your mother chuckling as your best friend Ryujin rolled her eyes from across the table

"bUt mOm tHoSe aRe fAiryTale StoRies, bleh bleh bleh"

"What was that, Ryu?" The blonde hid her face by her book embarrassingly as you acknowledged her playful mockery, dropping your book, you strutted to her side of the table and offered your hand

"Mother, me and Ryujin will have a private conversation by the fountain if I may.."

"Enjoy kids, be back before night fall" You and the princess of Itz-topia chased outside the tall castles and onto the deep forests where the magical fountain sits in the middle

"Come on, Ryu.. Tell me your biggest fear"

"I'm afraid.. That the person I like had found the one who'll bring colors into their eyes" You hear her painful mutter, you felt small waves of pain cursing through your head, sending you to fall down the grass with the princess supporting your head down her lap

"A-Ah my eyes, what in the h-heavens?!"

"Are you alright?" To be precise, Ryujin had her eyes in color yet you took long and blind to realize that she's been there the whole time hoping you'd see her too

"Ryu... My eyes"

"What about them?" One thing you did first was admire her, take in the colors and the features that you'd thought you would never see until you die. But oh girl, she's dreamy as the fresh bouquet of tulips picked during the mornings

"You're beautiful.. Very beautiful"

"I couldn't imagine that I'd see you with..colors" She smiles, her honey browm eyes staring down at yours, leaning down she places a feathery kiss on your forehead before caressing your cheek

"I knew you'd come soon, I've been waiting for this moment"

"I never thought it'll be you, after all the women I courted.." You trailed off, she relaxes the small creases on your forehead with her thumb then flicked your nose lightly

"Aish, stop that.. You know how hard it is to not rip those annoying smiles of their faces"

"Oh sorry, I didn't know.. Can I make it up, at least?" You wrap your fingers around hers and scooted closer until your shoulders collide, you heard a soft sigh from her and you let her rest her head on you

"Maybe a horse ride by the shore is nice.."

"Want me to fetch the horses?" Ryujin shook her head, her eyes closing and held your hand tighter

"Let's do that first thing tomorrow, I just want to savor this moment with you"

"Alright, m'lady.." The two of you stayed there until the sun sleeps, having deep talks as you played with the glistening waters of the rushing fountain

"Princess, ready for a rest?"

"Yes, but please don't be too shy.. We've slept too close way back then" You laughed, settling your body beside Ryujin who already got herself wrapped around your waist

Months after the interaction, you were invited to Ryujin's birthday celebration. You wore the suit she adored most, wore the necklace she gifted and had the best smile on as you went inside the halls of their home

"Dear Y/n~ Glad you've come, my lovely daughter-in-law"

"It's my pleasure, I wouldn't like to miss my Ryujin's special day" There she comes, strutting down the huge set of stairs. You're eyes couldn't fathom such beauty as you laid sight upon Ryujin, she comes down in a soft chuckle and closed your mouth

"You look.. Handsome, shall we go?"

"Of course, to the ballroom, we go!" Their intertwined hands didn't lose grip, they spun and twirled along the huge, crowded room, pairs of eyes watching them from afar with pure admiration glistening

"You look dashing as always, my princess"

"So are you, although I have to sue some of these gossipers who were keeping an eye on you ever since you stepped into the castle" You let out a soft laugh, your hand circling around her waist and tugged her close

"Darling, I'm yours and only yours.. Unlike these women around, you can make me feel things no one could explain"

"If you're gonna keep on sweet-talking, I'll have to drag you out of the room and have my way with you at the balcony" Ryujin has this look on her face, with you knowing what it meant and you were finding a right approach to have it without any guards noticing your absence

Ryujin's party ended with drinks, but the princess herself was having you to herself, her lips roaming around your neck with hands slipping nowhere but under your dress shirt

A/n: it's a short one, wala ako maisip at kakagising ko lang (trans: couldn't think of anything and I just woke up) 😭

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