The Freshman Pt 1

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(Aespa's Karina x G!p Reader)

Spring, Y/n had finished packing up her stuff and she was on the way to SM Academy, ready to start as a freshman and meet a lot of people she might become friends with.. Or maybe find a potential lover on her journey

"Hi, where's room 0421?"

"Right down this hall, then left" Y/n thanked the Hall Monitor then left, walking down the halls trying not to bump to other freshmen

And as she opens the door, she was surprised at the girl undressing her top although she was struggling as it was an oversized hoodie

"Yah, is someone there?"

"I-I'm your uh... Roommate?" Y/n says, blushing at the defined set of abs the stranger has, she shakes her head and made her way to get her out of the confinement

"Thank you! I'm Jimin but call me Karina, you must be Y/n?? Let me help you with this"

"Thanks, Karina unnie" They helped each other unpack Y/n's things, then settled to touring around the campus

"Woah, I wanna join the Music club"

"I've joined here too, want me to vouch for you?" Y/n nods, smiling as they got themselves signed up for the audition happening next week

As they got through all the clubs and activities, they were invited to watch an opera led by the group EXO. Karina smiles as she sees Y/n enjoying herself and humming along with the melody ringing inside the auditorium, she didn't even notice her hand slowly intertwining with the brunette

"Loving the opera?"

"Very, I haven't seen an opera since High School" They chuckle to themselves, leaning into each other enjoying the rest of the day getting dramatic with the show

Night comes by, Y/n and Karina were watching a Rom-Com movie when they heard a blasting music outside the window

"Woah, it seems like there's a party made by he Frats and Sororities"

"Mhmm, my sister told me they'd have that every School year to welcome all freshies.. Wanna go check it out?" The latter nods, they were just finished with the film so they packed up and dressed before joining the party

"Oh hey, welcome to Alpha Theta Mu, I hope you enjoy the party"

"Thank you!" The two ran over the bar and got themselves some drinks, immediately jamming with the rest of the students. Not noticing the familiar faces they've bumped with, Y/n looks over and sees a familiar raven-haired girl

"Minjeong! Long time no see, didn't know you'd enroll here!"

"Ah yeah! Just got in after passing the entrance exam, who are you with?" Minjeong was Y/n's ex-girlfriend, but they ended in good terms so they had the connection as best friends

"I'm with Karina, I think you're familiar with her"

"Her name does ring a bell, I think she's our new neighbor's daughter.. Rumors say she's a hottie, but not my type" Y/n cackles a laugh, slapping her shoulder away and saw the blonde looking over her with an unreadable expression

"Gonna catch up to you later, Karina seems mad I left her"

"Alrighty then, bye!~" They hugged each other before the taller runs over to Karina who was sulking whilst drinking her punch

"First day and you're already flirting"

"Hey, I wasn't..."

"You're jealous? Aren't you?" The blonde can't help but blush, looking away and sipping at her cup when Y/n grabbed her gently by the chin

"We can talk it later so.. Let's enjoy the party, I'll have my eyes on you, no one else can take me away" They knew it was a flirty joke, but someone had something forming inside them

Hours later, Karina and Y/n participated in a party game. The Alpha's called it as Drink or Heaven where they'd drink and confess a truth or deny and get punishment by 7 minutes in Heaven

"It's Y/n's turn!" Karina hiccups, the participants mumbled a question to the blonde before she turns to her friend

"Have you ever lost your virginity?"

"Close but no, sorry Minjeong" The mentioned girl laughed it off, Karina bit her lip and chuckled.. Not until Y/n took a spin, coincidentally pointing the tip of the bottle to her

"I ain't spilling anything-"

"7 Minutes it is! Lock them up!" Wendy held Y/n and Seulgi took Karina, bringing them to a nearby closet and threw them there; locking the door by chucking the chair under the knobs

"Oi! L-Let us out"

"Ah shit, I shouldn't have drank much... I feel light headed" Y/n shakes her head vigorously, feeling the continuous thump on her temples making her groan in pain

"This is helpless, what do we even do in here?"

"Duh?! Make out and shit!" Both blushed, looking at each other then averting; seems uncanny to do the deed with someone you just spend the whole day with.. Might as well end it memorable, as Y/n thought

"What happens if we don't?"

"Still locked up after 7 Minutes" Sighing, Karina walks over to Y/n and held her face in her palms, massaging the sides of her head to ease the pain

"Feeling better?"

"Mhmm" Karina smiles and pecked her forehead, making themselves smile. Although the alcohol had taken over their system, they were in their right minds to..control themselves

Y/n looks right into her eyes, looking for something like an assurance that everything will be okay. And here she receives a gentle nod, with a smile even and that was enough for Y/n to lean up to claim her lips

It was a gentle kiss, no teeth nor tongue involved. Their hands were glued to where they were, but the smiles were only present on their contented faces

Karina settles down on her lap, arms looping around Y/n's nape and let their lips do the magic. They didn't escalate too quickly, but rather explore themselves slowly and surely that this one heck of a dare would end without regrets

"We should finish this later.. But first"

Karina smirks a bit as she leaned down at Y/n's neck, nipping and sucking until a red patch was formed and Y/n couldn't help but groan in surprise which was heard from the other side

"O-Oh god"

"Shh, this is our only ticket out of here" They chuckled to themselves, messing with their clothes before they heard furniture and chains clinking from the door

"One last kiss?"

"Yes please" And as their lips met, they were exposed to the eyes of the other Freshmen and Seniors who cheered them down; the two went on early and got back to their dorms to freshen up and get rid of the alcoholic smell

"Hey, I got us some pizza and some baked mac"

"Thanks, I wanna pick a movie.. Can I?" Y/n nods and gave the remote to Karina, they 'snuggled' up on Y/n's bed and decided to watch The Breakfast Club

"One of my favorites, nice pick"

"Shh, let's enjoy the movie~" The blonde teased, quieting down as the movie went on for a long while. Y/n notices the weight on her shoulder, looking over to see Karina who fell asleep

Y/n lays her down so gently, cleaning her stained fingers and cheeks before taking care of her messy bed. She slowly made back to bed, gasping quietly as the sleeping blonde had her arm looping around her waist almost immediately, even yelping as she was tugged and the snuggle made Y/n fell in awe

"Good night, Rina"

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