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(Former IZ*One Chaewon x Fem Reader)

A/n: We all missed Chaewon, don't deny it

And this is for you _yn_se0_jn - v-

She was yours, you were hers. Your life with her had a roller coaster of emotions, but yet again.. She WAS yours

It all fell apart, saying she was tired so she lets you go. You felt like you were thrown off a cliff, breaking yourself into pieces, you knew you needed an explanation

That leads you to here, in your studio with her as your client. You're in charge of the cameras and posing for them, you never knew she'd become a singer but you were proud of her

"Alright, I need to take a minute.. Replace me for a second, Y/n"

"E-Eh? Where you going?!" You made your way out of the room and into the stalls, panicking and shivering that you kept in for hours. You couldn't believe you'll see her again after 7 years, but you were happy about that

You were calming yourself down when you heard someone step in making you nervous, you stood still by the door and saw familiar sneakers down the floor

"I know you're in there, come out"

"W-Why? Why would you act like nothing h-happened?" You whispered, trying to peek through the gaps just to see her staring back at you. You were still whipped for her, just her glares and cute glances make you melt and swoon over her

"I-I try not to be obvious, but I can explain.."

"I-I do want you back, Y/n" You snapped your head whether you heard her right, she looks at you a bit shocked and turned away

"I mean... The director wants you back there, you're still taking Minju and Yuri's pictures" She walks away, you followed after and she knows you had your eyes at her so she stopped ending you to bump on her


"It's alright, I'll have something to tell you later.." You went back with her on the main room, the makeup artists finished up and it's time for a hell of a photoshoot once again

10:50 pm

"Mhmm, where is she?"

"Is this even the right place?" You paced at the coffee shop back and forth waiting for Chaewon's reply as she had given her new number with only the location as her first message

"I'll just wait for more.." You waited for 2 more hours, the snow kept falling down on your shivering body as you kept waiting. And finally, she came rushing to you with a tight embrace and her warmth spreading through you

"I'm sorry, the traffic was bad and the practice was too long... I didn't know you'd wait so early, you could have gotten hypothermia!"

"It's alright, you're worth the wait" You smiled yet she covers you up with her scarf, wiped the snow off your cheeks and nose then cupped your cold cheeks

"Aish, come with me.."

She drags you in the shop, buying two coffees then a hot towel before joining you to the table

"Press this on your cheeks, and drink this too"

"Thank you, y-you're still the Ssamu I k-knew" You smiled, she avoids your gaze and drank her beverage. You took out your camera and pointed at her direction, snapped a photo then waited for the film to print

You took more photos of her which she noticed, she had a grin on her face that made you blush

"S-Sorry.. The lighting was good so I had to take photos of you"

"It's alright, I knew how you like taking photos, Y/nn" Oh that nickname, it sounded sweet to your ears. You forgot how you two ended just from the gaze she gives you, you saw hope in them making your hands clench on your camera more

"Uhm, a-about what happened...that time, can I a-ask why?"

"Ah, t-that was the time when I entered Produce 101.. The company told me to break any connections, including lovers.. But I still love you at that time, I c-cried every day and night missing you.." It broke you, seeing her old, vulnerable self that runs to you when in need of your hugs and kisses. You missed that side of her, but that doesn't matter since the both of you are adults now

"You know, I m-missed you.. From then until now, I still do.. I waited for you to come back, I had sleepless nights thinking of you"

"I-I'm really sorry.."

"It's alright, come on.. I know you needed my hugs, Ssamu" She pushes herself to you, melting in your arms as you held her tight. She sobbed profusely, her small hands clawed onto your coat tightening on every cry she made

"I-If there w-was a way, i-if only.."

"It's okay, it's done and there's nothing we could do about it.." You sniffled, trying to refrain your tears from escaping. She stayed still, her face hid on your neck still weeping

After a few minutes, she finally composed herself. You wiped the remaining tears off her cheeks with your handkerchief, she looks up at you with a sad look

"D-Do you still love me?"

"I still do, I always do.. I never gave up on you" She held your hand, noticing the bracelet that she left for you to remember her at the night that she left your apartment

"You kept it.."

"I did, it reminds me of you so I never took it off" You felt her head lean on your arm, you let her as she felt more comfortable than none. You took the last sip of your coffee before glancing at her, brushing her bangs apart letting you see more of her eyes

"Want to go home? It's getting chilly out there-"

And a snow storm appears on the television, you groaned and looked around the shop to see only the old woman and her son by the counter frowning

"You two should stay in, our house is just above this shop. You can use my son's room for tonight"

"I'll get them some clothes, Eomma" The man rushed up the stairs, you and Chaewon were served dinner once the shop closed. The man named Chanyeol gave you spare clothing so you two could get changed

"Do you think it'll work out this time?"

"What do you mean?" You asked as you unbuckled your belt, you stripped your clothes in the same closet yet with a clothing rack covering your topless bodies

"I-If we had the chance to date again, do you think it will go out well?"

"Depends on how we take care of it, but I doubt it'll fail.. We grew so much, I'm sure it will be fine" You smiled as you put on the v-neck sweatshirt over your head, you saw a grin on her face as she looked over her shoulder. You turned to her and she had finished wearing a t-shirt that was a bit big for her

"But since we're talking about this, you mean that you also love me too?"

"Yeah, that's why I had a lot of questions.. I'm hoping we could start again" She preps her elbows on the rack, you giggled and fixed her messy hair. The two of you were clothed, but still lack of pants and that's how you two literally went to sleep years ago

"I'd like to start again, let's go out on a date.. Tomorrow, after my work then I'll pick you up"

"That's settled then, want to seal it with a kiss?" You blushed as she tiptoed just to kiss you right then and there, your eyes closed as the kiss deepened

"Oops, I think I went too far"

"Well, that's alright.. But we don't live here so that makes sense" You put on some plaid pajamas and so does she, the night ended with you two taking a few photographs under the sheets cuddling and giggling until one falls asleep


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