Still With You

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(IVE's Liz x Fem Reader)

Y/n was as surprised as Liz was, none knew that both were arranged to someone they didn't even knew and fought for their love. They stood strong for a few more months before having an argument with their families

"B-But mom! I love Liz, I c-can't just love someone i don't know nor met yet?! Can you at least set me up with the love of my life for once?! T-This is getting harder than you think it is"


"No, I'm not marrying whoever that was.. I'm taking Liz somewhere away from everyone, a-and that includes all of you" Y/n sobs, grabbing her girl's hand out of the office and out of the building. Both were crying harshly as they entered the car, the bodyguard drives off straight to the airport as the girls had prepared their things beforehand

"We'll stay at Roseanne unnie's condo for the meantime, I'll find a job and get us on track-"

"Ah, stupid me... I'm rich so fuck this" Y/n trails off while wiping her tears, Liz looking over the window in silence but her shaking hand was in Y/n's. They grew silent for the whole ride, silent sniffles from Liz and Y/n hugs her tight and sent silent assurance by her ear to calm the girl down

"We're gonna be okay, Jiwon-ah.. I promise you that"

"And whatever happens, we're only for each other, okay?" The raven-haired girl nods, grabbing her for a kiss and pulled her for an embrace. They rested in each other's arms until they reached Incheon Airport, the bodyguard helped them with their suitcases as they were boarding

"I assure you a good life, Ms. Y/n and Jiwon"

"Thank you Ms. Ryujin, here's something for you after helping us for tonight" Y/n hands over a billion won, the latter hugged her tight and bid her goodbyes to the couple. Y/n and Liz got inside and dashed to their designated seats, sighing in relief

"I hope we're gonna go through this well"

"We're gonna be, whatever it takes" Y/n takes her hand and kissed the back of her palm, smiling at her lover who grinned and patted her head

Few days in Roseanne's apartment was fine, Y/n got a job as a DJ at night and Liz continuing her studies. Roseanne helped them out as well, keeping her promise to not say anything to their parents and fulfilling the responsibility as the older sister and mother-like figure to the two

"Y/nn, here's your lunch and breakfast"

"Liz~ I'm gonna pick you up later, here's your lunch and breakfast" The two smiled and hugged the older, they were drove to the University with Roseanne as she's a professor there along with three of her friends

"Let's eat these over at cafeteria before heading to class, I know how you get when you're hungry"

"Yah~ Too early and you're teasing me" Y/n laughs and grabbed Liz's hand and made their way to the cafeteria, only to see a group of boys eyeing the raven-haired girl differently

"Tsk, what's Chan doing here?" Y/n snarls

"I-I don't feel safe here, Y/nn.. Let's just go-" Liz lowers her head in fear, hand grabbing Y/n's clenched fist

"Oi, never turn your backs on me.. Nitwits" The curly haired boy threw his lollipop to the trash, walking over to Y/n and looked up a bit to match the girl's unreadable gaze. Liz cowers behind her as the boy had left her trauma from the first day of classes and Y/n wasn't around yet, Y/n stumbles him and looked down at his gaze

"Touch anyone or Liz, you'll get what you're looking for"

Y/n had a peaceful breakfast with the girl, her eyes still observing a certain blonde at the back and also checked her girlfriend who seemed aware of what's happening

"Liz, did he do something to you?"

"No, h-he might have scared me a bit but I'm good" Y/n rolled a bit of her sleeve and certain spots and scratches were seen including the faint scratch on her neck, she sighs heavily and cupped her lover's face

"You might wanna go to Roseanne for this"

Liz immediately shook her head, grabbing Y/n's shaking hand sensing the hatred and anger in her veins

"No, Park Y/n.. Do not even do it"

"I'll just talk to him, no worries" The soft smile calmed Liz down, but then she tries tugging her lover who charged and tackled the boy down the floor attacking him almost immediately

"You sick son of a fuck, how dare you touch my girl!?"

Y/n was pulled back, feeling arms wrapping around her waist and loud cries ringed her ears. She was brought to the empty classroom and Liz sobbed and was on her knees, couldn't even fathom what just happened

"B-Baby.. I'm sorry, I should have stopped myself"

"J-Just don't d-do it again, I-I don't want y-you to get hurt too" Y/n cradled her, shushing her softly with her hand rubbing her back. They sat on the floor for hours, or until Liz fell asleep from exhaustion

"Unnie, are you done with your classes?"

"Yes, I'll just get Lisa and- Yah what the hell happened to you?!" Roseanne whisper yelled and smacked the back of the latter's head, looking and grabbing her bruised knuckles. Y/n nudges her head at Liz who was comfortably asleep yet her marks were exposed enough for the older to understand, sighing in defeat

"When did this start?"

"I guess few weeks ago or so, I'm still new here so I don't know what's going around this campus.. But my guess, he might have touched her" The red headed woman shook her head lightly and treated her younger sister's wounds then Liz's, then she took them home once her cheeky girlfriend was finished grabbing some snacks for later

"I'll be in my room with Liz, you know the rules!"

"Yes dumbo~, just heat the food when you're hungry" Y/n had laid the sleeping girl down, she focuses on changing into her clothes then put Liz in comfortable clothes and made sure her marks were treated again

"A-Ah, it hurts"

"Hey, you're dreaming.. I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you" Liz finally woke up from her lover's words, smiling a bit and kissing her cheek

"I thought you left"

"Why would I? I got my girl right here" Y/n smiles

"Aren't you disgusted of what he did?"

"I am, but that wouldn't change how I look at you" Liz chuckles, letting Y/n lay on top of her and started petting her crown

"I'm glad, I don't know what to do if you'd leave"

"I'm not~ I got no reason why to, and besides.. I'll always be with you, until the end of time, until we get old.. And until we fulfill the dreams we've longed for" Y/n kisses her lips, smiling against her embrace and hugs her even tighter

"I love you"

"I love you than you could ever know" Liz finally smiles, nuzzling herself in Y/n's hair blushing profusely until her ears turned red and her smile caused her dimple to appear. Y/n kept her promise after that day, they kept on going with their relationship, gone strong throughout their conflicts with life and they ended up marrying each other with their parents finally telling the truth and apologized

"So, this is how love feels like..."

"Our version of love, you mean? Then yes, this is love" Y/n wraps an arm around her shoulders, they watched the sun set down the horizon, they leaned for a kiss before walking back to their cabin by the beach

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