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So I have good news. I'm going to start updating this regularly again. 

Some stuff happened today. There has been lots of pressure where my ears will be. It has also been itchy so that's good I think.

Not sure if this is me being paranoid but there have been more cars recently. Its probably just me being paranoid but it's still odd. 

Other than that's lots of good stuff happened. In my first class we got snacks and got to play games or watch a movie. I mainly played watched the movie while eating. Then In math we had a work day but I I slee had all my worked turned in so I just drew. After that I chased my friend halfway across the school. Then I meet one of his friends. 

Edit: forget to mention this but I had a weird dream. Basically in it me and this other person (forget who it was) went on a cruise. It was really fun also for some reason there was a magical girl parade. After a while this really bad storm happened. The ship got completely destroyed and everyone but me, the other person, and 3 other people died. Apparently in this dream I had powers because I managed to make a force field to protect us. I then thought about going back in time (time manipulation was one of my other powers) to prevent this from happening. But some voice (that for some reason I could only hear) told me not to. So I didn't. Eventually we somehow managed to get back to shore where we reunited with our families and told them what happened. Also apparently this took place sometimes near Christmas cause there were Christmas decorations. It was a very interesting dream. It's odd that I can remember so much from it. Normally I forget what happens in dreams pretty quickly.

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