I have bad news. My mom has covid so the rest of my family probably has it to. I'm pretty sure the only person showing signs is my mom. Her throat is sore and she's been coughing. I added a covid immunity subliminal to my playlist so hopefully that will hope. We're all vaccinated but neither me or my sister have gotten a booster yet. I really hope it doesn't get worse. If it does we'll probably have to go to a hospital. We all have some health issue ( I have asthma).
Enough with the negative stuff. It's making me sad.
I got a new toy the other day! My sister bought it for me :))
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I really like it
Also I finished my essay for English today. It got graded and I got a A on it!!
Also tomorrow I have art club. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go though. I hop I do since it's the last art club meeting.