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Today was really good but also really bad. Long story short I had a sleepover at J's house. It was very fun. We also made a gingerbread house while there. Well we decorated. So me being me I decorated on of the roofs like this

 So me being me I decorated on of the roofs like this

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And yes, those are Cheetos. Idk why I did it I just did. And I did eat it. It was gross.

Anyways while there I decided to do something dumb. It tried to jump over this one thing and I failed. Im not sure what happened but I either landed wrong or I hit my ankle against something. So now I am in pain. It doesn't hurt as much but it is still hard to walk. My ankle is fine. I don't think I broke it. There is a tiny bit of swelling though.

I really hope it heals soon though. Tomorrow I have pe. And PE is already hard for me. It's going to be even worse with a injured ankle.

Mythical related stuff now. I have three main things. I'm pretty sure this is the magical girl subliminals but I have been getting stronger. The bumbs around my ears seem to somewhat go away. Also I have been having way more dreams. 

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