HSHSJDVBEJNSN- I BUNCH OFF STUFF HAPPENS TODAY. although none of it was mythical related. ANYWAYS- I'll just walk you through my day.
This morning was nice and calm. It was a usual day (except my sister stayed home since she was sick). Once I got to school I went to the library to see J. In my first class (I'm not sure why I call that class first class. It's basically a class only freshman take and it teaches you "important" life skills.) That class was normal, we were just finishing a project from a few days ago. Then my advisement was also pretty normal. So was history. Then pe happened. J had told me she invited me to this concert thing. Ngl it was very awkward getting there. It was in the auditorium so I had to tell my teacher. But we had a sub that day and idk if you all know this but I'm not good at talking to people. I always have to think several minutes ahead of what I'm going to say. And when I do say it I usually mess it up and they don't understand. The only people this doesn't happen to us my friends and some of my teacher. But that's probably just because I'm more comfortable with them. It happens to me online to. Whenever I talk to someone online I just start panicking for no reason. I will just sit there starting at the comment for several minutes thinking what I should say, how I should say it, should I even say anything. Once I have it all typed out I just start panicking again thinking that I did something wrong or that I accidentally offended them. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reading it thinks something is of about it. The only time it doesn't happen is when I'm writing in one of my books or playing online games. Idk why my brain works like that it just does .
So once I left the gym I headed to the auditorium and started to panic and get really confused. Basically I was wondering the halls for five minutes until J eventually texted me and told me to meet her outside the auditorium. If you were watching me you would be very confused. Thinking about it I'm pretty sure there were two other people doing the same as me. Although they were with each other and I was alone. I'm not sure if they ever figured it out or not. By the time it was over it was time for the 4th lunch (the lunch I have on B days). So I just stayed with J until she had to leave and get on the bus to do the concert at a different school.
this THIS MOMENT IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT SET OFF A BUNCH OF EVENTS THAT MADE TODAY IM NOT REALLY SURE HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. so we went to the show choir room to get J's stuff. I was on the bottom set of stairs and she was on the one right above it AND THEN SHE KISSED ME GSJSGJAHSDHJS- I JUST STOOD THERE FOR SEVRAL SECONDS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED. Although we were both wearing mask when it happened so I'm not sure if it counts as a kiss. I asked one of my friends and they said yes so iDK- loooong story short I later asked her to be my girlfriend and I guess where dating now.
I'm gonna be honest. I'm very mad at myself for not asking her to be my gf sooner. Once I asked her a felt a bunch of weight just leave. I have been wanting to ask her for a while. But whenever I tried I would just freeze up. I didn't even expect it to go that way but somehow it did. As far as I'm aware only two people +how many people are reading this know. I'm not scared about putting this on here cause only a few people read this.
Other news Roblox is down. I have been trying to play it for a while but whenever I enter the app this appears
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Yes I play Roblox on my phone, I tried it on a computer before and didn't like it as much.
In other other news I made brownies today :>
Sorry that this chapter is incredibly long or has any typos or just doesn't make any since. Not sure why I'm apologizing I don't really care. I'm just still (still not sure how to describe it) about what happened today
Edit: completely forgot to mention this. Both me and J have liked each other for a while. But we weren't sure if it was platonic or romantic love. I'm pretty sure sevral people are my school think we are dating. Mainly cause we always hold hands and say things like "I love you".