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So I have good news and bad news. Good news is for the next week and a half I'm not doing much and can listen to my playlists alot. Bad news is after that week and a half I have a bunch of stuff I'm going to be doing. So just a heads up if I suddenly disappear I probably just got really busy. If I'm gone for more than a month something most likely happened. But hopefully that doesn't happen. 

I'm other news it's storming rn. So I have two story's I wanna share about what happened today. First thing me and my sister were outside watching the storm. My dog was inside and and when I turned to go back inside I saw her eating my ice cream. I had to throw it away.

Next story. A few minutes after my second story my dog went outside. It wasn't raining as much so my dog was in the backyard running around. It started to rain harder suddenly and she ran for the door. It was really funny

For actually mythical related things my tail has completely stopped hurting. I'm glad it's gone since it was painful but at the same time I'm kinda sad it's gone. I'm pretty sure it was my tailbone starting to grow or my tail getting ready to appear. There was and still isn't a bump there. There also wasn't a bruise or anything in the area so it wasn't caused by a physical injury.

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