My internet just did a weird thing. It just went completely off then started again. Not sure why and not sure if it was just me that it happened to.
Also I'm not sure if I meet anyone today. I'm not a very social person. I want to be more social and I want more friends but I just freeze up whenever I want to talk to someone I don't know. Although I think it's getting better. If I have to talk to someone I can do it but I won't talk that much.
Anyways I don't think I saw anyone. But something I have been working on is supernatural detection. And while I was there I definitely felt something. Not sure if it was just me being nervous or me sensing a actual mythical. Anyways I have to go to the thing again tomorrow and it's one minute till ten so I'm going to sleep. Also weird thing I noticed (also NVM it just turned 10) I seem to be one of my only friends with a somewhat ok sleep schedule. Although I take melatonin since it's hard for me to fall asleep sometimes. I'm going to bed now goodnight or good day if it's day time for you.