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Today was really good but also really bad. 

This morning I saw a bird while waiting for my bus. I see lots of birds in the morning but this one got really close to me. I tried to tak a picture of it but it flew off :(. Then in my first class I almost finished the hardest part of our final. Why do I call that class my first class? I don't know but it's q class where we do C.A.D. C.A.D. Stands for computer aided design. We basically make stuff like this

Well not exactly like that but similar and simpler

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Well not exactly like that but similar and simpler. I like the class though. Im excited for when we finish the final. Because then we're going to do the same thing but with a cottage. Mainly so we get used to what it will be next year if we continue taking the class. BUT I CANT :((((!!! Why? I have to change schools :(((

Sorry about ranting (not really I don't care). Anyways in science we got to do group work. But I got assigned into a group without my friend. But it was fine since I was in a good group. Also I'm pretty sure I can somewhat understand my cat. And he can somewhat understand me. Earlier I was a room with the door closed and he started pawing at the door. I told him to stop and he did. I got surprised and eventually let him in. 

Now onto the bad news. Remember how I said I got a plant? Well guess what happened today with it. It nearly died!! It was on a table next to the couch and my cat decided to go on the table and lie right next to it. And gravity did what gravity does and made a huge mess. Me and my sister managed to clean it all up. And replace the dirt so my plant survived!! 

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