Happy Birthday Mirabel

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Y'all I forgot to hit publish. This has been sitting in my drafts for like 3 days. Lol

Diego's pov

It's her birthday.

I know she doesn't like to celebrate it much because it's the day she didn't get a gift, but now since her family is more accepting of her I think she might be a little more open to celebrating. Not a big party obviously but something with her family.

I'm walking up to the door. Usually she sees me out the window and comes down to the door to get it for me. She doesn't today. A little suspicious I won't lie but her family probably let her sleep in or something.

I knock.

No answer.

Ok the door is always unlocked though so I can just walk in. I was about to open the door when Dolores opened it. I took a few steps back in surprise before I smiled at the older girl. She smiled back and yanked me in the door.

I was about to ask her what was wrong when she whispered in my face "she was crying all night." I give her a questioning look "go talk to her" she ordered.

I obliged and ran up the stairs to her room. I stopped just outside the door and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door lightly and opened it.

There she was sprawled out on her bed one arm falling of the side while the other laid next to her face both of her legs were tucked up slightly like she had been laying on her side. Wet streaks still lightly visible from the night before. Some of her hair had stuck to her cheeks where the tear lines were.

All of her blankets were thrown to the side and I saw that she was shivering lightly. I immediately ran to her and pulled the blankets over her. I got under them wrapped one arm around her waist and cupped her cheek with the other.

I felt her stop shivering and herd her moan slightly as she subconsciously dug her head into my chest for warmth. I kissed her head on top of her beautiful dark brown curls.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until I decided to wake her up. I pulled her face up to mine and wiped away the tear streaks staining her olive skin and rolled on top of her smothering her face with kisses.

She woke up slowly while giggling, and wrapped her arms around my neck, she moved my head up to force me to stop kissing her. Then she leaned up and kissed me on the lips soft and sweet she pulled away after a few seconds and I whispered in her ear "happy birthday mi amor" she giggled and said "dose this mean I'm not a baby anymore" I fake sighed and said "I guess I'm gonna have to stop calling you that, aren't I" she shook her head no and said "I like it when you call me that"

"Well then" I said moving so that she was on top of me "I guess I'm just gonna call you that forever." She laughed and leaned down to kiss me. I threw her off and she looked at me shocked and upset that I had blocked her from kissing me "no, not yet"

"What do you mean 'no not yet'" she said in a poor imitation of me while trying to kiss me again. I put my hand up to her face and said "NO" firmer this time with the rules of today. She was not allowed to kiss me for the rest of the day which would probably be a challenge for her because she's usually kissing me or hugging me at least once every five minutes. She's affectionate like that.

I laughed today was not going to be fun for her, but she'd thank me when she got her surprise later. Her face was upset for a while but then she shook it off and tried to get up to get breakfast.

That's not going to happen.

I grabbed her by the waist picked her up and put her back in bed and said "wait there" she frowned and tried to get up again. I sighed and said "casita keep her in bed please" the house moved the floorboards throwing her back on her mattress.

I walked out of the room only to turn around to see her following me I sighed and the floor moved again pulling her back to her room.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw her behind me once again I continued to walk ignoring her. She ran after me to the kitchen. "You are relentless aren't you" I said as I started to grab random breakfast foods and put them on plates. "Why yes I am. Thank you for noticing!" I sighed as I poured some juice into two glasses and put them down.

I went to grab her hips to throw her over my shoulder. A dramatic action yes, but necessary she wouldn't go back upstairs until someone forced her to. She stopped me "if I'm not allowed to kiss you today your not allowed to touch." I raised an eyebrow and stepped back in surprise. She smirked and everyone in the room looked at us confused until I took the liberty to explain "she's not allowed to kiss me today."

"And he's not allowed to touch me." I looked at her "no that's not gonna happen... I'm making the rules today" she looked at me "says who" I looked down at her suddenly feeling much more intimidated by the small girl than I care to admit "uh m-me" I said with a questioning look on my face.

She laughed and said "sure, whatever helps you sleep at night" while she patted my shoulder and started to walk away.

Great now my plan had turned into me being the errand boy that wasn't allowed to touch her just like I used to be.

That freaked me out I didn't want to be just friends like what we had before, with me cast aside as just her friend who did everything she asked of me without question.

I went to hug her from behind and apologize, beg for forgiveness even but she swatted me away with her hand. A small tear fell from my eye as I begged "please" she saw that I was upset and immediately ran over to me pulled me close and kissed my nose.

"What's wrong, mi amor" she said as she wiped a tear that had now fallen down my cheek with her thumb. I just shook my head and she nodded hers seemingly understanding that this was a private conversation. She let go which I was not ok with and ran behind her so she was within a few inches of me at all times as she loaded the plates and juice onto a tray and carried them up to her room.

She set them on her nightstand and sat down on her bed "what's wrong" she asked and I just broke down in tears barley choking out "I don't ever want to be just the errand boy who follows you around just following your orders ever again... not allowed to touch you or kiss you or tell you that I love you, because I do I really love you. I love that you can't go five minutes without hugging me or kissing me, and I love the excessive cuddles, and when you let me play with your hair, and waking you up by smothering you with kisses..." she looks at me shocked

"oh happy birthday" I say while pulling out her present. I hand it to her and she opens the small box and gasps. She traces her fingers over her present lightly then opens it and looks at me with tears in her eyes. It's a locket with a picture of our first kiss in it

"That's why I wasn't letting you kiss me today... because I wanted you to have  that special feeling that I felt when you kissed me for the first time after waiting forever for it."

"Why do you think I kiss you so often dingus, it's because I want you with me forever... I love you... like more than I think I've ever loved anyone else... it almost hurts how much I love you and I don't ever want to leave you or have you be my errand boy I only made you do all of those things for me because I thought if I didn't you would get bored and go find other friends to play with." She laughed and wiped a tear off her face with the palm of her hand.

A/N: y'all I forgot I wrote this in two parts lol and I'm to lazy to copy and paste them onto one, and plus it would be way too long.

So next part should be coming out like within the next few seconds. Like as soon as you see this it'll already be out.

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