Young Julieta and Augustine(pt 1)

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Because they are adorable
Julieta (13)
Augustine (12)

Oh and btw if you see *these things* it means it's a voice over/in their head

Third person pov
"Ok now I wanna know how Tia Julieta met Tio Augustine!" Antonio shouted at the screen and everyone laughed as the screen came on.

An image of a 13 year old Julieta appeared on screen.

*A new boy is at the stand today.*

A young Julieta's voice came from the screen.

*I don't really recognize him. His face is really swollen though so maybe that's why...*

"Bee stings" everyone said in unison except for Augustine himself.

The on screen Julieta saw her sister smirking at her out of the corner of her eye "what" she said in the sweetest tone known to human kind.

"Aww Mami you were adorable" said Mirabel from across the room. "Yea you really were" said pepa "Too bad you grew up" Julieta slapped her sister on the shoulder playfully and narrowed her eyes at her.

The on screen pepa laughed and pointed to the swollen boy with her eyebrows raised. "You really know how to pick um huh" she managed to giggle out. Young Julieta blushed and looked down at her plate of arepas. *ok she wants to play this game fine I'll just get her back... how do I do that I'm not usually good at getting back at other people... and I don't wanna make her upset that usually causes a storm* on the screen her face suddenly lit up with a slight smirk of her own *Felix mention Felix she always avoids that topic at all costs she'll either change the subject or run away... either way problem solved, reputation saved, and she won't tease me for the rest of our life.*

"Not even that will stop me from teasing you forever" Pepa yelled at the screen.

"Oh why don't you go play with your new friend" on screen Julieta said in the most innocent voice she could muster *yea that's right work the innocence. Oh bat your eyes. Yea just like that. Ah the power of being the madrigal golden child, yes it has a few... draw backs but this, this is definitely a perk*

Of screen alma sighed and gave her daughter a look. She just nodded that it was fine and her mother smiled at the gesture.

"Um I gotta go" the on screen pepa blushed jumped off her stool and ran as fast as she could back to casita where she ran into Bruno on her way in the door

"oh hey pe- every time" he said as he got up from the ground after his sister had knocked him down and walked over to sit on pepas abandoned stool.

"Hola Bruno" Bruno nodded a hello at his sister and tried to grab an arepa off the tray sitting on the table. She gently pushed his hand back "those are for the sick and injured"

"I'm sick" he faked a cough as he tried once again to grab for an arepa. This time she lightly smacked his hand away "No your not"

"fine I got a splinter when Pepa pushed me into the door, and I got sand in my eye, hurt enough for you" he looked up at his sister

"you know my food can't heal splinters or pull the sand out of your eye" "oh it can magically reset bones but not pull out splinters or sand?" He questioned

"your not gonna get any food from me until lunch" "but I'm a growing boy" "not by very much" she patted her brother head

"I'm not that short" Bruno interrupted the video.

*fine she wants to play this game. Oh dear sister you forgetting about the thing that gets you every time. Every. Time.*

"What gets me every time" Julieta asked "you'll see" was the only reply she got from her brother.

the on screen Bruno smirked at his sister "oh so we're talking about growing huh well I guess we're gonna have to bring up the fact that your gonna need a new apron soon" he finished off his sentence glancing down at his sisters chest and smirking.

"Bruno" Julieta yelled and everyone else in the room laughed. Augustine wrapped his arms around his wife and through giggles he said "I wanted to say something comforting... but I can't stop laughing."

Back on the screen her eyes widened and she grabbed an armful of arepas and threw them in her brothers hood "take your arepas and go" she pointed her hand back to casita. *score more that one* Bruno thought walking down the line to get back to casita. He made a face at young Augustine "you might wanna get to this one fast. Like really fast. He looks like he might be dying."

"You really do look like your dying every time you get stung by bees" Bruno said in an attempt to make up an excuse for his on screen counterpart.

*oh yeah that boy is he new here* she continued to stare at him as the line progressed until it came to one boy older than her with brown almost black straight hair and dark skin. "Hola Alejandro" the young boy smirked at her and said "you look ravishing today" she raised an eyebrow at him and her face twisted into a look of disgust. Not a look often seen on her but none the less she handed him an arepa and he pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. She yanked her hand back "eww go away" *seriously again with this guy why won't he just take the hint that I'm not interested*

"Because he's a scum bag" Augustine yelled from behind his wife's head now pulling her closer away from the boy on screen. "Yes he really was a scum bag" Julieta agreed looking up at her husband and smiling. "and I'm more happy I didn't marry him every day" she leaned up and kissed him lightly. That seemed to cheer him up and he looked back at the screen. Aww's were heard around the room.

"as you wish princessa, but I will be back" *EWW! please don't come back* "okay I'll see ya then." she said waiving at him *I should have told him i'd rather eat donkey hair than see him again but whats the harm in a little annoyance now and again... and that would cause a scene witch mami wouldn't like. she'd just tell me to suck it up so I guess that's what I'll do*

"eww tell that jerk wad to back off" Mirabel was cut off by voices on the screen

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