Isabella pt2

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Isabella pov
Really I thought when was this agreed upon. Why was I left out of that conversation. Oh well I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

Angelos pov
My papi came over and said that we were going to the madrigals for dinner

Wtf pa you can't just drop a bomb shell like that and walk away I thought running a hand through my hair. "What time" I called after him. "5:30 be ready by 5" "k thanks pa" I pulled the hand out of my hair and sighed at least he didn't leave me completely high and dry and tell me when I had barley any time to get ready

Time skip to 5:05 because I'm not gonna write a whole day that's gonna take way too long

I ran into my room, my hair still wet as I ran a comb through it I threw off my towel and pulled my boxers on quickly then my good pants. I yanked on a white button up shirt fiddling with the buttons. Then over top of that I pulled on my blue runa the one I used for special occasions. It had a blue base and navy, white, and baby blue stripes running down it on rather side.

When I was done with that I realized I messed up my hair again so I ran the comb through it again it was slightly drier now. I watched as my dark curls brushed over my ears. My dad always complained that my hair was too long but my mom liked it and so did I so I got to keep it but no lower than my jaw line. I found myself silently hoping that isa liked it and I had no idea why. I just sighed and pushed the feeling away as I ran out the door after the rest of my family calling out for them to wait up.

I ran into the house gasping for air as I was running after my family. But just in time to see isa make her entrance

She had a hand on the banister as she walked down the stairs even though she wasn't swinging on vines like she used to whenever she wanted to make an entrance she still looked radiant.

She reached the end of the stairs and I immediately caught my breath and without thinking offered her my arm. She looked hesitant but when she realized it wasn't a trick took it gladly and I swear if everyone in the room couldn't hear my heartbeat before they could now.

We walked down to the dining room and both of the family's gave each other confused glances before following us to the dining room

Isabella's pov
I got to the end of the stairs and Angelo suddenly blinked several times and ran to the bottom of the stairs to offer me his arm. I immediately thought it was Camilo playing a prank on me but then he gave me a confused almost hurt look and I knew it was him and grabbed ahold of his arm and we started to walk to the dining room.

He let go of my arm and I was confused almost hurt he let go, but then he went to pull out a chair for me and I smiled and sat down on it

He took the one next to me and we talked all night barley noticing anyone else was there.

Then when dinner was done I offered to walk him to the door he said nothing just got up and smiled down at me and held out his arm

I got up and took it as we walked to the door I let go of his arm and turned to face him. I looked into his eyes allowing myself to get lost in them this time and I could see him staining back at me the same way.

He then slowly raised a hand up to the side of my face and cupped my cheek asking permission I blinked in response he took that as a yes and leaned in and kissed me soft and sweet but I could feel the passion in the kiss also he began to deepen it moving his hand from my face to my hair and his other hand around my waist. This was getting heated fast and clearly Abuela noticed because she cleared her throat.

I immediately jumped back and caught the look on his face he was also blushing with a hand on the back of his neck and an embarrassed half smile on his face.

He then said good bye but before running off embarrassed he pulled me in to whisper in my ear "later" in a tone so quiet I doubt even Deloris even heard him. People knew he said something though because I blushed and flowers popped out of the top of my head.

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