Unnatural Instinct: Transform

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A loathsome monster has you trapped in his castle. Worse, something inside you is trying to break free. Something just as terrible as him. Can you halt your transformation before you lose yourself forever?

You've always felt different from everyone else, an outsider, someone who doesn't quite fit in. You've never understood why, until one night you're snatched from your bed and hauled before a creature who's straight out of your nightmares.

Huge, powerful, dreadful, he pursues you as his chosen mate and forces you to face the reality of what you are. Despite your resistance, the truth becomes undeniable. You're changing before your own eyes and there's nothing you can do to stop it. And the only person—thing—you can turn to for help is the one who did this to you in the first place. Someone like you: a killer, a cannibal ...

A monster.

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now