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To say my master is enraged is an understatement. Frozen in his anger, he remains on the bottom step of the dais, his shoulders bunched at his neck, his fists balled at his sides. The whole of his eyes have turned a deep red, like blood. Narrowed to slits, they bore into mine. I can see him trembling. His lips are pulled back into a snarl. I'm surprised he's still maintaining his angel form, though the Jackal's shadow grows around him. He knows he's lost. There might be one day left before the gateway to the Great Reckoning shuts, but he knows you won't submit to him again.

We both turn and you shriek as a massive pillar crashes to the floor at another forceful shudder. I grip onto you tightly as I speak in your ear: 'Run.'

I grab onto your hand as we race through the giant throne room. My brothers, both demon and angel alike, have already fled, wary of his fury.

You shout and I yank you away as a rock plummets from out of the darkness of the cavernous ceiling, smashing into the floor with a thud that vibrates through my bones. You stagger at the force of it and almost fall to the floor, but I wrap my arm around your waist and swing you back onto your feet.

We zig-zag through the corridors and we're not alone. Countless demons and angels are doing the same, screeching and howling and screaming as they flee on wings or on foot or as they slither along the floor.

I don't know if my master is chasing us and I don't dare look back. But I know he won't let us go. More precisely, he won't let me go. Not without a fight. Not without taking his revenge. I saw that clearly enough in his red eyes.

We burst into the scarlet glow of hell and we don't slow down as we race towards the edge of a balcony. This time, you don't pull away from me in terror, running hard along my side. I steal a glance at you, sweeping my eyes over you. If we don't get out of this, I want to remember you as you are now: that fierce look in your eyes, your courage. Not the way you looked on the throne with my master.

I tighten my grip on your hand as we approach the edge. We're just about to fling ourselves over it, when, at a sudden flash of familiar golden light, I pull you back with a hard jerk and skid on my heels. Losing balance, I topple to the ground. With another hard jerk I pull you on top of me so I don't land on you. We tumble and I make sure to keep you tucked into me tightly so I take the full brunt of the fall, against my elbows and knees, hip and back. By the time we stop we're on our sides, wrapped tightly in each other's arms and I'm peering down into the lashing fires far below.

But below is not what worries me. Above, on his great white wings, flies Lucifer, circling us like a golden star in orbit. He's waiting for me.

It's time to end this. Quickly, I roll us away from the edge.

Once we're safe, I grab your face. You're pale and sweaty and your eyes are burning with fear, with determination. 'Are you hurt?'

You shake your head. Stealing a swift kiss, I climb to my feet. You stagger up alongside me.

'He's not going to let us go, is he?' you say, watching him circle.

'Not willingly.'

Meeting my eyes, you frown. 'You're up to something.'

'Stay here.'

Your eyes widen. 'No!' You seize onto my wrist.

'I must confront him or we'll both perish.'

Your eyes turn red as they swell with tears. 'I'm not going to lose you. I-I need you.'

I shake my head. 'Not anymore.'

'No! Goddamn it! He'll kill you!'

With my strong fingers, I unravel your grip from my wrist, only for you to grab my other wrist. Giving up on the fight, I pull you close and kiss you instead. You resist at first but you're soon kissing me back.

'Don't go,' you murmur tearfully against my lips.

'I must. For you. For the world.' Grabbing your face, I press my forehead against yours. 'Fear not, for God is with me.'

'No!' you cry as I pull out of your grasp and race to the edge of the balcony. I can hear you screaming as I throw myself into the sky. I dive, then fling out my wings. A few hard flaps and I'm shooting my way towards Lucifer's circling light.

I don't look back at you below. I can't. I can only hope that this will work.

My master doesn't take his time. In a golden flash he's swooping towards me as I ascend. He hits me like a brick wall, throwing me backwards. He clings to me, his fingers clawing into my shoulders as he grips my hips with his knees, and there he starts tearing at my wings and face and any part of my body he can reach. Skin flakes away. Black feathers fall around us in a shower.

I don't go down with a fight. I grapple back, though I cannot match the fury of his attack. Golden feathers join my black ones. His once beautiful face is contorted with rage. His eyes blaze. His teeth are gritted. I can see the shadow of the Jackal like a film stretched across his visage.

We're holding onto each other in the air, both flapping our wings, black and white together. He roars as he continues to rip me to pieces, opening up deep, garish wounds with his part paws/part hands. Clumps of black feathers explode around us.

While he's consumed by his rage, I'm pulling him higher and higher towards the seething black sky. He doesn't know the danger he's in. Not yet. I feel pain, his nails laced with poison. My whole body burns and aches but I ignore it. In a short while it'll all be over.

I have faith.

It's getting harder and harder for me to keep aloft, my wings ragged and heavily damaged, but I think of God, and more importantly, I think of you, and it helps thrust me higher until we finally reach the lowest layer of swirling, smoky black clouds.

As I look up, they pull apart like drapes, revealing a clear blue sky and a blazing white light high above. I can feel its warmth on my skin. Despite all that's going on, a strange calm settles over me. It eases my pain. It eases my heartache. For the first time in a long time, I'm at peace.

The end has come.

Too late, my master looks up and realises what's happening. With a roar, he thrashes in my grip, trying desperately to break free, but I hold onto him with all my strength, wrapping my legs around his waist and tightening my arms around his chest as I beat hard at the air with my dying wings. Even when he transforms into the Jackal, heavy and unwieldy and wingless, I hold him up, keeping him in place. Even when he bites onto my face, I don't let go. Even as he rakes my back with his sharp claws, shredding my skin until long bloody slivers of it hang from me like streamers, I embrace him harder. Screaming, howling, roaring—he cannot break free.

He won't break free.

I keep my eyes fastened on the bright blue above. I know no fear, for heaven is expecting me. Satan roars in terror as a bolt of deadly white blasts its way towards us.

As for me, I close my eyes and smile.

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