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I can see how your lips tremble as you fight to resist, but it's no use; my master has too much of a hold on you.

He looks at me with a sly grin as you brush your mouth against his. Then he slides his hand behind your neck and lowers his face, and all I can do is watch. A sudden heat rushes up my body. The room turns red. I fling out my wings. The force of it makes my four brothers stagger but fails to dislodge their grips.

'Stop!' I roar.

You don't listen. Do you even hear me? You're enjoying it; I can see it in your face. Your expression has softened; you no longer fear. You have your eyes closed and your soft eyelashes fan your cheeks.

At first the kiss is gentle but it doesn't last. Soon, he begins to kiss you more forcefully. His eyes are closed too, but then they open to meet my furious gaze. I can see the smile in them. He's enjoying my pain more than he's enjoying his own pleasure.

I thrash against my brothers' hold. When that doesn't work, I stop fighting and glare at my master beneath my brow. 'In the name of God, I am going to kill you,' I say dangerously.

The smile in his eyes merely deepens. His grip tightens around your neck as he opens his mouth wide and sucks at your face. His tongue is all over you. Even his teeth are out. You yelp as he bites down on your lip.

Then he's moving down your neck, and you crane your head back with a gasp, sagging in his arms. I can see your face now. Your eyes have opened, and they're glistening. Deep lines of pleasure crease the corners of your mouth. You don't know how much I hate that. You're only supposed to look that way with me.

I scream your name. It does nothing; you only blink, too consumed by your ecstasy.

He reaches your breasts and I watch in fury as he engulfs them, first your left, then your right. I no longer fight, weighed down by my rage. A trickle of blood from your bitten lip courses down your chin. Your eyes haven't stopped glistening.

When he's done sucking you, he looks up at me with that same sly grin and that same sarcasm in his eyes. Your breasts shimmer with his saliva. You're a weak lump in his arms. Holding you up with one strong arm, he presses his fingers to your groin and drags them along your slit. He pulls them away and shows me how they glisten.

'It's all futile,' he says. 'The world will plunge into darkness. God has failed.'

I start fighting again. 'Damn you to hell!'

Throwing his head back, he laughs. 'What a thing to say!'

Turning his attention back to you, he brushes his fingers through your hair. His face seems to glow as he smiles. You stare up at him in numb disbelief. 'Now, my dear, I need you to do something for me.'

'Anything,' you whisper.

'I want you on your knees.'

'No!' I cry, thrashing and twisting. 'Goddamn you, no!'

You obey. I call your name but again you either don't hear me or don't listen. You're at the level of his groin and his hardened cock is pointing right in your face.

Again, he smiles down on you as he gently drags his fingers through your hair. And again you look up at him in that way, utterly enamoured.

'Suck me,' he says.

You don't hesitate, opening your mouth, even as I scream for you to stop.

Satan's eyes shine as he takes hold of your head just before your lips meet his flesh. 'But slowly. Savour me.'

The hall echoes with the sound of my roar as you curve your mouth around him. Just as he commanded, you engulf him slowly. He lifts his eyes to mine and I know that this is all just to make me suffer. My feet are rooted to the floor as I watch you swallow him, inch by golden inch.

'Good girl,' my master says, threading his fingers through your hair as you continue your steady slide along his length. Your mouth is wide, your chin trembles. Even despite your evident pleasure in keeping my master happy, it looks uncomfortable for you. Tears leak out of your eyes.

'I'm going to rip you to shreds!' I'm snarling and growling like an animal as I squirm and buck. Two more angels join the others. This time, they shove me to my knees and pin my arms against my back. I can hardly move now.

Finally, you reach the end of him. Grinning toothily at me, he tightens his fists in your hair. 'Good,' he says to you. 'Continue.'

And so you suck him, moving your lips back and forth until his golden skin turns flushed and shimmers with the brightness of your saliva. I'm shaking. I feel pain: in my head, in my chest, deep within my guts. I've never felt so terrible in all my long life, not when my master set me on fire, not even that moment when I ripped myself away from God.

I call your name in a choke, knowing how useless it is.

My master continues to watch me, enjoying my suffering, though I refuse to meet his eyes any longer, my gaze pinned to you. I could look away, I could close my eyes, but it's only fair that I hurt as much as you're hurting. I'm sorry. I failed you. I failed God. If this is how it's going to end, then I'll suffer along with you.

Unfastening his eyes from me, my master arches back his head, overwhelmed by the pleasure. 'Stop,' he gasps. 'That's enough.'

Slowly, you withdraw your mouth, and I take the opportunity to call your name. Against all hope, you finally look at me.

Quickly, I speak to you. 'You've got to stop this. Resist him! He's a monster, remember? If you keep going, he'll kill you. He'll rip your body to shreds, then destroy everything and everyone you love.'

Your lips part. A little frown creases along the bridge of your nose.

My master chuckles. 'She won't resist. She can't.'

I don't remove my eyes from yours. 'You did once before. At the beginning, remember? You can do it again. You only need fight!'

'But why fight, when you can have me and all the pleasure you've ever desired?' my master says.

'Don't listen to him!'

But you turn your head.

Satan's lips pull back into a gloating grin. 'Yes, that's right,' he says, stroking your cheeks. 'You're enjoying this, aren't you? You like pleasuring me because it gives you pleasure. So why stop now?' He turns his gaze back to mine. His voice is filled with mirth as he says, 'Lick my testicles.'

I shout your name. 'Stop!'

But you do exactly as he says and I look away, cringing at the sound of your smacking lips.

'You see,' my master speaks. 'It's all futile. She's one of man and they're all weak. That's why this must be done. That's why it is we angels who should inherit Earth and all of man's corrupted souls. They are ants. They are rodents. Predestined to be squashed beneath our feet. I'll never understand what God was thinking.'

I force myself to turn back. Your face is pressed into my master's groin as he smooths his hand over your head. His gloating face suddenly hardens. 'Let's finish this.'

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now