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You're back in the candlelit room.

'No!' your voice echoes against the walls. How could you be? You don't even remember falling asleep! Clutching at your hair, you look around wildly, but just like before there's no way out.

You turn towards the door as golden light gleams around the frame. Desperately, you rush over to the nearest candlestick. At the heavy clunk of the lock, you position yourself by the door, clutching the heavy, brass weapon tightly in your fist. The little flame flickers dangerously against your panting breaths, and you quickly pull it away from your face. You're sweating. Your heart is pounding so hard you can feel it in your temples. There's no telling how angry he'll be at your resistance.

But you have to do something. Anything. Even as futile as it might be.

The door moans open and you lift the candle. Just as he takes a step inside you thrust the little flame hard into his cheek. You hold it there only moments before scrambling away as he strikes out, bashing the candlestick out of your grasp. The candle goes flying. The heavy brass stick thuds loudly against the floor. Several candles along the floor snuff out.

You back away further, watching him. 'Keep away!' You try to sound forceful but you sound like a little girl.

He's hunched over, clutching at his face with his head turned away. He's not making a sound. Could it really have worked? Maybe you really have hurt him. You need to get through that door but he's blocking it.

Several more candles snuff out as laughter fills the silence. It grows louder as he slowly raises his head. Your heart plummets.

'Fire? Fire?' He continues to laugh, revealing his perfect white teeth. His cheek is smooth and flawless. 'You've got to be kidding!'

You suck in a breath, backing away further as his golden glow suddenly dims and the room fills with shadows.

'No,' you whimper, shaking your head fearfully as he begins to grow. And grow. His golden hair retracts into his head. His shoulders snap back sickeningly as his wings do the same into his back. He jerks and staggers as his limbs shrivel and elongate. His grin broadens grotesquely as his face contorts. The skin tightens, then peels away as his snout punches outwards in a spray of snot and blood. Sharp yellow teeth bite down on his quivering bottom lip. He looks more dog than man as he stumbles on his skinny hind legs.

And in between those is something you can't ignore. Somehow, it looks bigger than before. Huge. It's so long and unwieldy, it swings from side to side at every small movement. Beneath it a pair of fuzzy balls hangs almost to his knees. With narrow eyes he glares at you, and you suddenly regret your foolish attack.

What have you done?

You've backed yourself against the wall. 'No, no, no, no. Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!'

He's grinning, his tongue lolling wetly out of his mouth as he takes one long stride towards you. There's nothing else for it. With a cry, you attempt to race around him but his legs are so long it only takes a single step of his to block you. You try the same to his left only to find the same thing.

He snatches at you with his long arms. He misses you but tears at your slip. You clutch it helplessly to your body as you back away from his steady approach. You continue to beg but it only makes him grin more broadly.

'I'm sorry,' you repeat. 'Change back. I'll be good, I-I promise.' The back of your legs bump into the bed, making you sit. 'M-Michael, please.' You begin to cry as he stands over you. Your cries turn to sobbing as he swings your legs up onto the bed and positions you in the middle of the mattress.

The bed sinks beneath his immense weight as he joins you. Warm saliva dribbles onto your knees as he spreads your legs apart. You're still clutching onto the remains of your slip, but he rectifies that by tearing it out of your grasp. Pointlessly, you wrap your arms around your bare breasts. He doesn't notice as he wipes a large hand down along your groin. It comes away wet, shining in the candlelight. Even now, despite all his grotesqueness and horror, you burn for him.

Never before have you hated your body so much. How can it betray you like this?

He licks your wetness away from his palm with his long, flat tongue. Then he looks up, and you turn your head away with a whimper as he wriggles his long body between your legs. He's hovering over you, his great paws fisted in the sheets by your head. You won't look. You can't look.

'You will look,' he commands.

You grit your teeth as you try to resist but your head turns against your will. You try to close your eyes but that doesn't work either.

'Remove your hands,' he says.

Obediently, you pull them away from your breasts. His eyes flash hungrily. He licks his chops. Drool trickles onto your nipples as his tongue dangles over you. He lowers his face, but not to your breasts as you expect. With wet smacks, his tongue laps at your cheeks, your ears, your mouth. You gag but you're unable to turn away.

A growl resonates from deep within his lungs as he pulls back, his long penis dragging back along your pelvis, leaving a thin trail of red behind. Thinking about how his semen hissed against the floor, your heart races in terror.

Leaning back to give himself enough room for his huge length, he presses the tip of it against your opening. His squinty eyes watch you closely as he slowly pushes inside you. You suck in a breath, clenching at the sheets as he pushes in deeper and deeper. He's taking his time, enjoying himself.

Deeper and deeper he goes until he reaches the end, until you can feel it pressing hard up against your cervix. You feel a rush of relief. There's no more room. He can't go any further. He pauses, and you think he must be thinking the same thing, until he gives a sudden thrust and you cry out at a sharp pain as something tears inside you. Slowly, grinning widely, he continues with his penetration. Between your legs, you watch in horror as his enormous mottled dick disappears into you, inch by shocking inch.

How is it possible? There's no room! But, of course, this is just a dream. And anything can happen in dreams. It gives you little consolation to think that things could be even worse if he so desired it to be.

You can feel it pushing up against your ribs now before it slides into your chest.

'God help me!' you scream.

He gives a deep, rattly chuckle. 'God is far away from here.'

As he pushes his way deeper, he crawls over you, pinning your wrists to the bed. Drool splatters your forehead.

You arch your neck with a gasp as it enters your throat. You can taste it. It fills your sinuses, stinking like a dead animal. You gag and choke as you struggle to breathe. How much further can he go? Is he going to push himself right out of your mouth?

Then, finally, he stops.

But the worst is yet to come.

He pulls back and for a moment you can breathe again before he thrusts back into you. Again he pulls out and again he thrusts into you. Then he's thrusting into you rhythmically. All you can do is stare up at his hideous face as you concentrate on breathing in time with his thrusting. You can feel the whole length of him sliding through your body. It feels raw. It makes you sick. 

His fists tighten around your wrists until you bite back a cry of pain. His face screws up. His gangly shoulders bunch close to his neck. All the flat muscles in his skinny torso harden. He's coming. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Bashing his pelvis against yours, he gives a high-pitched howl as he shudders. You can feel his pleasure right through the length of your body. Youspasm and jerk as he throbs inside you. Then he erupts. You can feel the vibration of it deep in your vagina, through your chest and up your throat, before his semen rushes into your mouth in a hot gush. Your cheeks bulge. You're about to vomit it out, when he slaps a paw against your lips.

You're going to choke! You're going to die! But you somehow manage to swallow it down. You gag and spit and sputter. It tastes like a mixture of pus and rot.

He sniggers. 'Let the countdown begin.'

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