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You clutch at your chest, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. Your heart thuds so hard it makes your jaw ache. Out of all the terrifying things you've seen, this is the worst. The things it might mean: why you're here and why the devil might be interested in you. You've seen enough movies and read enough books to know.

'Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.' It can't be. Not you. There has to be another explanation.

You look up at the call of your name.

'Michael!' you gasp.

You fix yourself up, then race out. At the same time his glow brightens your room it fills your heart with warmth.

'Michael!' You hurry over to him, throwing yourself into his arms. 'I was so worried about you! What happened? Where'd you go?'

He holds you tightly back, his face pressed into your shoulder. 'They just wanted to ask me more questions.'

You pull back. 'Did they hurt you?'

He winces. 'Only a little.

'I'm sorry,' you say, suddenly releasing him, hoping you haven't injured him further.

'Don't worry about me.' Frowning, he touches your cheek. 'What's wrong? You look upset.'

Tears swell in your eyes at the worry in his face but you swallow them back down. 'I-I think I know why I'm here.'

His blue eyes narrow.

'I think I—' you begin before he leans in and kisses you on the mouth. You try to pull away as you attempt to explain. 'Michael, I think—' But all he does is pull you against him and kisses you harder.

'Don't think,' he murmurs in your ear as he wraps his arms around you even more tightly, tightly enough that you gasp in pain.

Before you know it, he's guiding you towards your bed with insistent little shoves, and you're letting him, kissing him as hard as he's kissing you. The back of your legs bump against the mattress and you're forced to sit down on the edge of the bed. 'Michael ... stop.'

But he doesn't—and neither do you.

You gasp as he shoves you down onto the mattress. You lie there, your feet still on the floor, your legs wide open. He yanks up your slip and the next thing you know, his opening you up with his fingers. Your whole body is buzzing at his touch. He seems to know exactly what you want, stroking each petal of skin as he peels each of them back.

'Stop,' you moan as he opens you up fully. 'Please,' you groan as he slowly inserts a finger. A second finger follows. Then he's thrusting into you. 'Michael!' You sit up and try to grab for his arm but he shoves you back.

Next, his soft wet tongue is against you. And you thought his fingers were bad enough! You sit up with a cry, then fall back down again.

'Michael, we need to—' You arch your neck with a shout as he glides his tongue against you in a circular motion. You grip onto the sheets, gasping and moaning. Your legs jerk and he's forced to pin them down against the mattress as he laps and licks and sucks.


Finally, he pulls back, towering over you as he stands. All you can do is look up at him helplessly, your legs wide open. Somehow, he looks different. He's still beautiful, but there's a hardness to his face that wasn't there before. His eyes are so intense they seem to burn like little suns. It frightens you. It reminds you how much he isn't human. 

You try to protest, but he snaps you off with a deep-voiced command that seems to boom around the chamber, 'On the bed!'

You hesitate only briefly before doing as he says.

'Michael,' you manage in a squeak. 'Don't. We need to ... we need to ...' What do you need to do? You try to remember, but it's impossible to think as he crawls over you.

This time, he doesn't gently slip your sleeve from your shoulder but rips your slip right down the middle. You don't fight him as he exposes both your breasts. Heat floods your cheeks as he looks you over. His eyes flash greedily. His lips twist into a snarl. 

'Michael?' you pant. 'What's gotten into you?'

He doesn't answer, his gaze fixed on your breasts like a hungry animal. You gasp as he pinches your left nipple, then gasp again as he lowers his mouth onto it. Knotting your fingers through his golden hair, you let him suck you. No longer as gentle as he once was, he sucks you hard enough that you gasp in pain and tears prick the corners of your eyes.

'Michael, stop!' And yet you don't push him away, knotting your fingers more tightly in his hair as you pull him close. What is wrong with you?

Releasing you, he turns to your other nipple.

'God help me,' you moan, arching into him and wrapping your legs around his hips so he takes in your breast more fully. Releasing his hair, you reach out to touch his wing. It's the first time you've dared do it. His feathers are as soft as a bird's and each time you touch them, light gleams out from your fingertips.

He pulls back, kneeling between your thighs, his fists planted hard into the mattress as he stares at you. His face looks strangely blank, though his eyes continue to burn.

What that dark angel told you suddenly flashes in your mind: Don't be a fool. Know your enemy.

A horrible, icy dread trickles down your spine.

Straightening his back, he slowly spreads out his wings. All you can do is stare. His body is beautiful; you can see all the tight muscles in his abdomen. His ribs slide under his skin. His wings get bigger and more glorious as he shines so brightly your eyes are forced into a squint. He's so magnificent your heart keeps skipping beats as it bashes madly against your chest. You want him so badly now. Your groin aches. Your hips are burning.

But you need him to stop. Something's not right. You know it's not right.

Know your enemy.

'Michael,' you gasp.

With a smile, he pushes your slip up past your hips. You gasp again, arching back your neck at his barest touch. His fingertips feel like they're on fire! He pulls back a little. Taking your knees, he thrusts them open more widely.

'Stop,' you say, snapping them shut.

He thrusts them open with a growl so bestial it raises the little hairs on the back of your neck.

'Stop!' You snap them shut again.

You try to roll over but he presses down hard on your hips, keeping you pinned to the bed. A terrible voice echoes around the chamber. 'Open to me.'

Know your enemy.

'Open to me,' that terrible voice repeats.

You know you mustn't. Your mind screams at you to resist, but you can't. It's as though your body has a mind of its own. Slowly, your legs part. You gasp again as he strokes his finger down your opening. You're so ready you can feel wetness all down your inner thighs.

With his big, strong hands he pushes your knees hard up against your chest as he readies himself. You groan as you feel the tip of his penis brush against your opening.

'Take me,' you say. 'Take me now.'

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