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While you lick Satan's scrotum, you can hear his words, you can hear his disgust. He doesn't like you at all. He thinks you're filthy. And he's right—look what you're doing. But you can't stop. You don't want to stop. Something deep inside you, powerful and wretched, compels you to obey.

'Go to my throne,' he commands.

You stand. You glance up into Satan's beautiful face, then over at the hard cold stone of his throne. It's long enough to lie down on if you keep your feet on the ground. You lick your lips, knowing exactly what's going to happen. Fear coils a knot in your stomach, but that powerful, wretched slimy thing deep inside you moves your legs.

Joel calls your name like he's called your name dozens of times before. You can hear the desperation in his voice, his fear and rage. Tears well up in your eyes but it's not enough to stop you.

The stone is surprisingly warm against your backside and when you lie down it's hard against your back. Tears trickle down your cheeks as Joel continues to shout and curse. Above, the ceiling is so high it disappears into the darkness. You wish you could disappear too.

You turn your head to watch Satan approach. The tips of his stunning white wings drag along the floor behind him. His face is hard and focused and is as much frightening as it is beautiful. His golden hair hangs long and straight down over his broad shoulders and glitters with that same light that beams all over him like an aura. His eyes are like blue magnets, drawing your gaze.

'Stop!' Joel cries.

Your eyes shift for just a moment. Joel is on his knees behind him, his black wings limp with despair. His wavy dark hair hangs around his face as six angels keep him in check. Briefly, his black eyes meet yours. You've never seen him look so sad.

He speaks your name in a croak. You blink rapidly and are about to sit up when Satan climbs the steps and presses his big golden hand between your breasts, keeping you down. His eyes glitter like diamonds and you can't look away.

He moves to the end of the throne where your knees are. Seizing your hips, he pulls you towards him until your arse sits right by the edge of the seat, then spreads open your legs. His groin is right at the level of yours. His erection is so hard and tight that it arches upwards like a banana. Smiling, he swirls a finger between your vaginal lips, then pushes it inside you. He quickly withdraws it and holds it up, twisting it against the light so it shimmers with your fluids. 'To new beginnings,' he says.

More tears dribble down your cheeks as he grabs onto a hip with one hand and grabs his erection with the other. Slowly, he bends it towards your opening.

Joel continues to shout and protest, his voice lifting into the great heights of the cavern. You gasp as he pushes into you. He's so hard and big and yet all you can feel are waves of pleasure as he pushes in all the way. You grip onto the edges of the 'throne', lifting yourself up slightly so you can watch as he thrusts into you. It makes your own pleasure that much deeper seeing the pleasure on his face. His hips buck as his groin smacks against you. Veins bulge in the backs of his hands as he grips your hips tightly. Each time he withdraws, you can see how your mucus gleams atop his swollen penis.

You fall back with a gasp, touching your breasts as your body burns for more.

'See how she's enjoying it? See how she craves me? This is what they want. This is what they all want: instant gratification, no matter the consequences. They're takers and we'll give it to them.' He suddenly laughs. 'Are those tears?'

You look over towards Joel with a start. He really is crying. His once perfect, pale face is red and tear-streaked; his black eyes have sunken even further into his head.

'Joel,' you croak. You didn't think that angels could weep. It hurts you. It hurts you to think he's suffering. 'Joel.' You go to reach out for him only to grab the edges of the seat with a wince. Satan'spenetration is starting to hurt. 'Stop,' you murmur in a daze. You blink rapidly as your mind begins to clear, and suddenly it doesn't seem so pleasurable. None of this does. In fact, it's disgusting, horrible, appalling.

You wince again. 'Stop!' Sitting up, you grab onto his wrists.

'What?' he says, his eyes flashing.

'I said, stop!' You dig your nails hard into his skin but it does nothing. All it does is make him pound into you faster.

You fall back helplessly. You turn to Joel.

'Look at me,' he mouths as more tears spill down his cheeks. 'Keep your eyes on me.'

You nod as you wince. Satan is grunting and you can tell he's close. You can't take any more. It feels as though he's rubbing you raw inside. All pleasure you once had has vanished. All you can feel now is the pain of it and the pressure in your chest as you continue to hold Joel's gaze.

'I am here,' he continues to mouth.

'I am with you,' you say, managing a trembling smile.

Satan's grunting gets louder until finally he throws his hips against you with a wolf-like snarl. Clutching at your hips painfully tight, he presses up hard against your pelvis as he fills you up with his poisonous seed.

It's all over. It's all over. He's going to chew his way through your stomach, just like he did in your dreams. You're going to die and the world is going to end. You stare at Joel in horror.

He shakes his head. 'No.' He gives you a faint, encouraging smile. 'No.'

Finally, Satan pulls out of you. Quickly, you scramble from the throne, crouching behind it as he looks down at himself in satisfaction. His penis is red, not with your blood but with his own semen. You can feel it trickling down your leg. It stings against your skin but it's nothing like you expect. You won't ever forget how it hissed against the floor. Shouldn't it hurt? Shouldn't it be agony? You look at Joel in confusion.

His tears have dried up. He winks at you and your heart lifts. He knows something you don't, but what?

Satan frowns. He looks up at you and his frown deepens.

'It's not going to happen,' comes Joel's voice. Satan turns his head with a scowl. 'Just like you said: 'she only needs to like it.' But she didn't.' He laughs. 'Without sin it cannot work. You've failed.'

Satan's scowl turns to a snarl. The Jackal flits over his face.

'It looks like it's not in her nature, after all,' Joel continues. 'You misjudged her. As you misjudged all of man.'

'You!' Satan snarls at Joel. Ignoring you completely, he slowly and stiffly descends the steps. 'You.'

You grab onto the throne as the floor gives a shudder. The six angels release Joel, heads bowed as they back away into the shadows. Even they're frightened by Satan's ire.

'No. God,' Joel answers, straightening to his fullest height. He lifts his chin as his black eyes flash that powerful blue you saw when he first saved you. 'He planned this from the very beginning: her, me. Love is God and it will always win out against the darkness.'

'Joel!' you cry. It's easy to see Satan's rage. His wings are folded tightly at his back, his hands fisted at his sides. He's having trouble keeping up his disguise. Every few moments you see the mottled grey of the Jackal pass over his golden skin. You know how formidable his anger can be and the last thing you want is for Joel to be at the centre of it.

Reaching the bottom step, Satan stops and glances back at you. His eyes are no longer blue but a deep, demonic red. You cringe.

'It's over,' Joel says quickly, drawing his attention back to him. 'You've lost.'

The ground shudders again, so hard that it almost knocks you off your feet. A great jagged crack carves its way through the floor.

Joel holds out his hand to you, his eyes wide with urgency. You scramble over to him, giving Satan a wide berth as you do. You almost fall into his arms as he pulls you to his chest.

The floor shudders a third time as you both slowly back away.

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now