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You grab my wrist. 'What are you doing?'

I don't really know myself. What am I doing? I don't answer, and you don't stop me as I push my fingers deep inside you. I watch your face as you sink back into the straw.

Slowly, I withdraw my fingers, then push them inside you again. It's slippery and you're warm and soft. You open your thighs for me, turning your head to the side with a moan. I can see your pulse bounding in your throat. You're panting heavily, your breasts rising and falling at every small breath. You can't see me particularly well in the darkness but I can see you well enough, and the sight of you like this stirs things inside me I don't understand. It makes me draw closer to you. It makes me thrust harder inside you.

You make the same noises of pleasure as you did with my master. I like that. I like how I can ease your suffering. I like how I can make you feel good. 

You spread your thighs wider. Now you're thrusting against my fingers, directing how fast I should go. I comply. I can feel your body straining. I feel you're getting close. Right before the end, I withdraw my fingers.

Sucking in a breath, you're about to protest, but before you can I crawl over you. I don't know what crazy thing has possessed me. This is not the done thing for angels—except for my master, but he's a force unto himself.

You grab onto my forearms as I hover over you but you don't stop me, your gaze so intense I can see the whites of your eyes. 'Please,' you say.

I don't need much incentive. You groan as I push inside you. I suck in a surprised breath. If I thought you felt good around my fingers, it's nothing compared with this. I thrust hard but it's not enough for you.

'Harder,' you say. 'Harder!'

Your grip on my forearms tightens until I can feel your fingernails digging into me. You thrust against me as I ram myself into you. The straw crackles beneath our weight. Outside, the cows continue to moo. The shadows gather around us. Your neck is stretched out to its fullest extent and I can't resist the urge to press my lips against it.

You jerk, grunt, then cry out as I feel your womanhood tighten hard around me. I keep thrusting until the last of the ecstasy leaves your face. As you rest quietly beneath me, you look peaceful, your eyes closed, your lips pressed into a faint smile.

Then you look up at me. You shift against me, feeling my hardness inside you. 'Don't you want to finish?' you say.

'I can't.'


Slowly, I ease myself out of you and rest on my hip beside you. 'I just can't. Let's keep it at that.'

'Then why—?'

'I told you, to help you.'

You stare at me like you can't believe what I'm saying. I can't quite believe it either. So many things are happening. So many things are changing.

You look like you're about to say something, then you tighten your mouth as you lower your eyes. Taking my hand, you stroke your thumb over my knuckles. 'Thank you for saving me. I don't know why you did, but thank you.'

I nod.

You raise your eyes. 'What's going to happen now? Can I go home?'

'No.' Your shoulders sag in disappointment but I can tell you're not surprised. 'But you will soon. Five days. Five days my master has to get you back, before the gateway of the Great Reckoning shuts. We will have to keep ourselves hidden until then.'

Your face brightens. 'Only five days. That's not so bad.'

'You don't understand. We will be in danger, serious danger. My master has many allies with many talents. They stalk the shadows.' I look around the room, then out through the window. 'Even now I feel them circling. We will have to keep moving. If my brothers find us, they won't hesitate in destroying me and taking you back. And this time my master won't take his time with you. He will be desperate—and angry.'

You shudder. 'I don't like it when he's angry.' You look down at our entwined fingers, then around the barn, squinting against the darkness. 'So, we'll have to move from here.'

'Yes. But not tonight. Rest. I will protect you until the light chases the shadows away.'

A long silence fills the space between us as you go back to smoothing your thumb across my knuckles. You're lying on your hip beside me. Our knees are touching. I can feel the warmth of your breath against my neck. You have warmed up since our lovemaking, your nipples soft and large, your skin smooth and hot.

'Why did he call himself Michael?' you ask suddenly, keeping your eyes lowered.

I raise my eyebrows. 'Did he call himself that?' Your cheeks fill with blood as you nod. I reach out to touch one of them, then think better of it and pull my hand back. 'Don't feel shame. My master has deceived many.'

You turn your face away.

'I presume it's his little private joke,' I continue. 'Since Lucifer's defection, Archangel Michael has taken his place at God's side.'

You raise your eyes to mine, and I can see within your gaze what you're going to ask. Don't ask me. The pain is too close, my confusion too great. But you ask it anyway: 'Were you close to God?'

'I was.'

'Then why did you—?' You twist your lips.

'Turn bad? You can say it. It's the truth.' I take a breath. 'The same reason my master did—because of you. Because of all humans.' I tighten my hand around yours. 'I loved him once, more than heaven itself, more than you can know, until he rejected me and put you and your kind in my place.'

Your eyes ask me the question I cannot answer.

'Like I said before: I don't know. I don't know why I abandoned my master.'

Silence falls again. Then your eyes lift to the roof. 'You said He is here with us—God. Do you really believe that?'

'With all my heart. He was the one who revealed 'Michael's true form. He could only be the one who resurrected me from the ashes. It could only have been Him who smote my brother angel in front of my eyes.' I don't lift my gaze to the roof like you. God is around us, within us, not only above or below. I grip your hand tightly, drawing your eyes back to me. 'God wants me to protect you. I feel his love and his light and guidance. He has chosen me to be your guardian, and for reasons I can't understand, I am willing. For the first time in millennia I am God's servant once more.'

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now