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As you stare at the closed door, you shake uncontrollably. You feel sick. You're so confused. What the hell were you doing? You've figured out the truth of what's going on, and yet you gave yourself to him like a whore anyway.

You look at the tapestry in horror, licking your dry lips. You can still feel him all over you. You can still feel his fingers, his mouth. Through your slip, you touch your nipples where he sucked you. Even now, despite the lies falling away from your eyes, you have an overwhelming urge to go to him; to have him take you, no matter the consequences to yourself, to Earth, to all those you love. Even as you think, you slide your leg down the side of the bed with the intent to join him in his hard prison cot.

Pulling it back up, you thump your head with your fists.

What is wrong with you?

Dragging your hands through your hair, you turn back to the door. And what about that dark angel? Who is he? Is he just somebody else out to hurt you? Or is he really trying to help you?

He hasn't locked the door.

He hasn't locked the door.

Glancing once more at 'Michael's' room, you ease from the bed. Holding what remains of your slip together, you tiptoe over. Taking a breath, you open the door—and pause. Outside your room in the darkened corridor the angel is waiting for you. His black eyes meet yours.

'H-help me,' you say.

He holds out his hand. You look at it for a moment. Sucking in a shuddering breath, you take it.

The moment your hand slides into his, the door next to yours slams open. You squint as golden light blazes into the corridor. In all his shining glory he steps outside.

'Michael!' you cry. Your body lurches towards him even as your mind screams for you to stop!

But the dark angel has you firmly in his grasp and pulls you back. 'Lucifer.' His voice booms down the corridor. The sound of his name strikes a note of dread inside you. Lucifer. Satan.

The Devil.

You almost had sex with the Devil! 

'My loyal follower,' Satan says back, his eyes narrowed. He's even more beautiful than he was before. Now no longer in need of his deception, he's done away with the gashes and bruising and patchy wings. Now he's smooth and perfect and whole.

No. Not quite. You gasp, cringing at the dark angel's side as a hideous, feral look passes over his face. So, you hadn't imagined it after all.

'You cannot have her,' the dark angel speaks, tightening his grip on your hand.

'I will have her.' His eyes blaze in his face. 'And you shall know eternal torture for your betrayal.'

His gaze suddenly turns gentle and soft as it slides to yours. He holds out his golden hand, a kindly smile on his pink lips. 'Come to me and you'll know only wonder.'

You shiver—and not in terror. You're clutching your slip together to cover yourself but in your nerveless fingers, it slips from your grasp, puddling to the floor, revealing your nakedness. Satan's eyes seem to catch fire as he devours you with his gaze. You arch your neck with a gasp; it feels as though fingers are running down your skin, leaving little burning points of pleasure behind.

You take a step towards him but the dark angel yanks you back. Pushing you behind him, he thrusts out his great, black wings. They fill the corridor, their tips folding against the walls on either side. Now that you're no longer within Satan's seductive power, you come back to yourself in horror. Gripping onto yourself, you shiver. How are you supposed to fight him when you can't even resist him?

'Leave! In the name of God!' the dark angel commands. His voice booms. It almost seems to make the walls shudder. A sudden flash of white light makes you drop your head into your hands.

A horrible growl sends a bolt of ice down your spine. It's like nothing you've ever heard before. It's like something a dying animal might make—and yet nothing like it at all. It's too high-pitched and yet so deep it seems to vibrate through your bones. Clawed feet scrape against the floor. You can hear whining and snarling, and you're thankful you can no longer see. The dark angel remains as stalwart as ever, tall and straight and strong, despite the terror he must see before him.

'Run,' the dark angel says.

You pause. Is he talking to you?

He turns to look at you. His right wing lowers a little, allowing you to see what lies beyond. Your eyes widen. A scream claws up your throat. Gone is the glorious, golden angel. In his place is something that claws and squirms and spits; something so black and raw and monstrous you couldn't dream it up in your worst nightmares.

The dark angel's eyes flash a startling blue. 'I'll try to hold him off. Run.'

You turn and flee, your bare feet pounding against the smooth, hard floor. You haven't gone far when you skid to a halt at the sound of a monstrous roar. There's a hiss, a shudder, then a second roar, this time of flames. You turn around and cry out in terror. A wall of fire now stands where the dark angel once stood. He's gone. He's dead. Utterly destroyed. A sharp and terrible dread makes your eyes swell with tears. What are you going to do now? Then you see something moving, a shadowy figure within the flames, and you suck in a hopeful breath.

Your hope is short lived. Out steps not the dark angel but Satan—in all his horror.

Golden angel no more, he towers above you: long gangly arms and legs with enormous paws and clawed feet. His torso is thin and shrivelled, his ribs poking hard against grey, mottled skin. Perched atop his snake-like neck is a wolf's head. No. A jackal's head: lolling tongue, a long snout, lips pulled back like a ravenous dog, revealing yellow teeth as long as your fingers.

And in between his legs, within a mass of coarse wiry hair, springs a dick so long and thick and heavy you wonder how he can keep his balance.

You turn with a scream. Doing just as the dark angel told you to do, you run. You run down the corridor as fast as you can, your feet slapping against the floor, panting so hard the air wheezes in your chest. Since you're not wearing a bra, you have to support your breasts with your hands. You're slow, you're weak and you know all is lost. You're stuck in hell with the Devil chasing you and you've nowhere to go.

But you run, and all the while you try not to think what's going to happen next.

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now