A hero's job

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Beeeeeep! Beeeeeep! Beeeeeep!

You're eyes shot opened when you realized that your alarm was going off.

Y/n: "Shit!"

You grabbed you're phone and checked the time. Eleven forty, you had time to get ready. You saw Barkk slowly flew to you, guess you woke her up when you woke up.

Y/n: "Sorry for waking you up like that Barkk."

Barkk rubbed her eyes.

Barkk: "It's ok, I'm tired but ready."

You chuckled.

Y/n: "Come on, we need to be there before Ladybug."

You looked outside you're window, you saw a car there which means Nikki is actually home.

Y/n: "Got to be quiet then."

You tipped toed downstairs, you creeped into the kitchen, you opened the sink covered and grabbed two treats. You did your best to not make a sound while walking to the front door, you opened the door carefully. Once fully outside, you started running. You ran as far as you could from your house, you saw a alleyway you ran in to quickly transform.

Y/n: "Looks like a good place. BARKK FETCH!"

Once the transformation happened, you quickly made your way to the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug told you that was a meeting spot for her and Cat Noir when they patrol during the day. As you ran and jumped from rooftop to rooftop, you enjoyed the air hitting your face and the rush the jumps gave you. You finally made it to the Eiffel Tower, you made your way to the tallest balcony in the tower and you began to wait on Ladybug. You leaned on the cold iron bars looking at the city, you admired all the light from open businesses, to streetlight or the lights from everyone driving made Paris look like a big carnival, you began to think.

K-9: "Somehow I keep finding myself coming here, both as (Y/n) and K-9... Last time (Y/n) was here, it wasn't pleasant."

You kept looking down at Paris, you began to think of the nickname that Paris was given.

K-9: "City of love huh? What a bunch of bullshit..."

???: "I wouldn't be so sure about that!"

You recognized the voice, you looked up to see Ladybug perched on the peek of the tower.

K-9: "Why is that spots?"

Ladybug: "I know a lot of people who fell in love here, my parents are one of them."

K-9: "So did mine."

Ladybug jumped down to your balcony.

Ladybug: "Then, why say such things?"

K-9: "My mom cheated on my dad..."

Ladybug: "Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that."

K-9: "It's ok, I don't have much of a family now anyway."

You saw that Ladybug was getting sad, so you quickly changed the subject.

K-9: "But currently, I love my life."

Ladybug: "Why is that?"

K-9: "Look at me, I got a magic coller that gave me superpowers and I'm working with my heros. Eight year old me would be so jealous."

Ladybug giggled.

K-9: "Spots look, I promise to not let Hawkmoth win, even if it kills me I will fight till the very end."

Ladybug put her right hand on your right shoulder.

Ladybug: "No one is dying not on my watch, we are a team, we look out and protect each other."

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now