New team mate

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Y/n: "Ok, let's get going!"

You began to run to the location. It was near Noter-Dame, from the corner of your eye on top of a roof top, you saw Ladybug fighting something. You quickly ran in a ally.

Y/n: "Crap! That was close."

You stayed back for a moment, watching Ladybug fight the akumatized victim. As she fights, you examined the akuma it seemed to be male, had a black color scheme, and was fighting a sword. The victim had really good agility and speed, so good Ladybug had trouble keeping up.

Y/n: "I better not let her see me, at least not yet."

Ladybug's pov

Ladybug: "Seems like I have found a loud ninja!"

Ninja: "I may not be silent..."

Out of no where, the ninja disappeared.

Ladybug: "What the-"

The Ninja appeared behind Ladybug kicking her side.

Ninja: "I am deadly."

Y/n pov

Y/n: "Ow! Damn, that's got to hurt."

You saw Ladybug get up.

Y/n: "Where is Cat Noir?!"

Fast as a heart beat, Cat Noir jumped in the fight, hitting the katana of the ninja.

Y/n: "Nice! Great timing!"

Ladybug's pov

Cat Noir: "Careful! You can cut yourself with this!"

Ladybug: "About time you got here."

The Ninja didn't care, he dropped a smoke bomb, he managed to get out of sight.

Ladybug: "Cat Noir careful! He can be fast!"

The Ninja appeared beside Cat Noir kicking him, knocking him down.

Your pov

Y/n: "Damn! Why is it always the side!"

You kept watching the fight, both Ladybug and Cat Noir were struggling against the ninja.

Ladybug's pov

Ninja: "Let's make it more difficult for you!"

The Ninja made a hand sign, smoke appeared, once settled 9 more ninjas appeared out of no where.

Ladybug: "Oh no! There's too many of them!"

Cat Noir: "M'lady! You take five, and I take the other five!"

Ladybug: "Cat! We need a plan, we don't even know where the akuma could be!"

Ladybug was thinking of a way to beat this. But no ideas came to her mind, she had to use her last option.

Ladybug: "LUCKY CHARM!"

Dropping from the charm came out a pair of scissors. Ladybug grabbed them.

Ladybug: "A pair of scissors?"

Cat Noir: "Look out!"

Cat Noir hit the ninja that was going after Ladybug.

Y/n: "Thanks kitty!"

The fight began, both Ladybug and Cat Noir began to fight of ten ninjas in total.

Cat Noir: "M'lady, I think we should call in back up!"

Ladybug: "We don't have back up!"

Your pov

You grabbed your frisbee from your waist.

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now