Life changed

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Ring Ring Ring

You opened your eyes, vision still blurry, you grabbed your phone from its charging station, you turned it on to see Nino calling you. Groggy, you answered the phone.

Y/n: "Hello...?

Nino: "Dude, what are you doing still in bed?"

Y/n: "Excuse me sir, but my Sunday is mine to do with."

Nino: "Point taken dude."

Y/n: "Ok, so what's up?"

Nino: "A bunch of us are going to see a movie, want to come with us?"

Y/n: "Yea sure, give me a moment to get ready."

Nino: "Awesome dude! See you soon!"

Y/n: "Later."

You got out of bed, you looked around for your towel to take a shower, but what you found was a little strange box on your desk.

Y/n: "What's this?"

You picked it up and looked at it.

Y/n: "Did Nikki give me this? Hm. Let's see what it is."

Once you opened the box, a huge flash hits your eyes making you drop the box.  You covered your eyes for a moment, until you heard a yawn.

Y/n: "What the-"

???: "Pleasure to meet ya!"

You looked at what was infront of you. A small little floating animal with big ears. The more closely you look, the more you see it resemble a dog.

Y/n: "Ummm...?"

???: "Let me introduce myself. I'm Barkk, your new Kwami!"

You began to laugh hysterically.

Y/n: "Wow! This is a crazy dream! There is a floating dog thing talking to me! Ok, let's see. I want a car outside my house."

You snapped your fingers and went to look out your window, but no car.

Barkk: "Hope you know this is real, not a dream."

Y/n: "No way, this has to be a dream. You are not real."

Barkk: "Yes i am! If i wasn't real would you feel this!"

Barkk hit your nose.

Y/n: "Ow! Woah. I felt that. You are real?!"

Barkk: "Told ya!"

You stared at Barkk, you looked at them at every angle to see what it really is.

Y/n: "So. What do you do?"

Barkk: "See that chocker that you dropped?"

You looked down to see a chocker. You picked it up and examined it.

Barkk: "Put it on."

You placed the chocker around your neck.

Barkk: "What that is, its a miraculous, it gives the user amazing powers."

Y/n: "Powers? Super powers? Ok. If so, what powers do i get?"

Barkk: "When you activate the suit, its hard for you to get hurt, you will feel a bit of pain, but it will be very minimal. You also get agility, speed, and your special ability, you can phase through walls. When you activate it you can control when you can phase through walls, but you have a time limit. There are 5 stripes on the chocker, when they all disappear, you change back."

Y/n: "COOL! Can I try it?!"

Barkk: "Go for it! All you have to say to activate it is, BARKK, FETCH! And to take it off you say, BARKK, SIT!"

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now