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A/n: Before you start reading this story, I want to put a warning. This chapter will mention suicidal thoughts and dark themes. If this piece of media. Fictional, if this type of material isn't something you don't like, or feel comfortable with, I apologize. If you or a loved one has, or is struggling with this, I will provide the suicide hotline. (800) 273-8255. I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for reading.

You woke up the next morning to tiny snoring, you turned to see Barkk asleep in the pillow you got him. You got up and grabbed your towel and clothes so you can take a shower.


Once done with your shower, you headed back to your room and what you walked into was funny, it was Barkk watching funny fail videos. Barkk was laughing so hard she had trouble breathing.

Y/n: "Having fun there Barkk?"

Barkk: "These humans are so funny!"

Y/n: "Ok, be ready in a bit, I need to head out to school."

Barkk: "Ok!"

You grabbed your phone to see a text from Nino.

Nino: "Yo dude! Are you still coming to the charity event this weekend?"

You texted back.

Y/n: "Absolutely man! Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Once you were done eating breakfast, you headed back upstairs to put on your hoodie and grab your backpack. You made sure Barkk was in your backpack, you gave her a biscuit so she can eat. You headed back downstairs to walk to school, on your way there you kept replaying the event that happened the previous night. The way Marinette cried, and her looking so dead when you took her home. You shook your head to clear it from those thoughts.

Y/n: "I hope she is doing ok."

You took out your phone to check social media, you were trying to see if the second biggest jerk in school found out about what happened last night.

Y/n: "Nothing. Good! If Chloé found out about it, she would never let Mari hear the end of it."

In your hoodie pocket, you had another pudding.

Y/n: "I think Mari could use her favorite pudding right now."


You made it to the school. Looking around the main hall, to see if you can find Marinette, Adrien was at a photo shoot so he was going to be missing today. You looked around for Marinette for a moment, she was not around, but you did manage to find Alya, she was sitting with Nino on one of the benches.

Y/n: "Hey guys."

Nino: "Yo dude!"

You looked around but still couldn't find Marinette. At this very moment you weren't too concerned about Adrien, due to him being at a photo shoot. But you did want to make sure Marinette was ok.

Y/n: "Hey Red... Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Alya got up, you and her went to the stairs to talk.

Y/n: "How she doing?"

Alya: "Just as you expect."

Y/n: "Not good, huh?"

Alya: "We talked last night, she told me what happened."

Y/n: "If it's cool to ask. What happened?"

Alya stayed quiet for a moment.

Alya: "I think it's best if she told you."

Y/n: "Yea, your right on that one. Thanks for looking after her."

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now