The unexpected surprise

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Y/n: "Ugh... School. Let's get this over with."

You sat up and rubbed your eyes to clear your vision, you could still hear Barkk's snores.

Y/n: "I am honestly surprised that you are still asleep right now."

You hopped out of the bed and grabbed you're towel, and headed for the bathroom. You set the temperature of the water, once its how you like it, you stepped in the shower.


You walked back to your room, before you made it in, you could hear your computer on. You walked in to see Barkk watching internet fails online.

Y/n: "You really like watching those, don't you?"

Barkk: "You humans are too funny!"

Y/n: "If you like those, then you will love Jackass they invented internet fails."

You started to put on your clothes, you had a red shirt with blue jeans, you looked in the mirror trying to fix your hair, until you saw the beanie. You looked at it for a moment then you changed your clothes. You took off your red shirt and put on a black one while the pants, put on some dark color pants. You placed the beanie on your head and you looked at yourself.

Y/n: "You did a awesome job Mari."

You grabbed your backpack and put on your hoodie.

Y/n: "Come on Barkk, time for school."

Barkk flew into your backpack. You grabbed a old phone and a pair of wireless headphones and you place them on your backpack for Barkk so she wont be bored during class. You walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed your lunch that Nikki made for you. You walked out of your house and made your way to school like it was a normal day.


After a while of walking you finally made it to school, you walked in the building and went to the closest bench. You say down and you put your headphones in to listen to music. You scrolled through your playlist to see what you were in the mood for.

???: "Good morning."

You looked up to see Alya standing in front of you.

Y/n: "Morning Red, how's it going?"

Alya: "Still somewhat tired but I'll manage, that beanie looks good on you."

Y/n: "Thanks, Marinette made it for me."

Alya: "And you even wore clothes to match it. That is so sweet of you."

Y/n: "I thought it would be a nice fit."

Alya: "Well sir you are right, it is a good outfit."

You smiled at Alya, she sat down next to you. She took out her phone to show you her latest update on the "Ladyblog" it was mostly about the new hero K-9. She began to explain to you her theories about K-9, finally she asked you.

Alya: "What do you think about the new hero?"

Y/n: "K-9? He's cool, but he hasn't been around long."

Alya: "That is true, but he seems like he knows what he's doing."

Y/n: "I still think Rena Rouge is the best."

Alya blushed.

Alya: "Why do you say that?"

Y/n: "Well, she is a fox themed hero, and foxes are cute, she can create illusions which is a awesome power. And did i mention cute?"

Alya laughed and gave you a playful push. You turned to see the entrance, coming in you saw Marinette walking with Adrien. You made a concerned look but quickly snapped out of it.

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now