Helping hand

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You woke up the next morning around 10 am, you got dressed and went down stairs to see your sister eating.

Nikki: "Morning little bro."

Y/n: "Nikki? I thought you went to work."

Nikki: "I don't go until 4 pm today."

Y/n: "Shocking, they actually gave you the night shift?"

Nikki nodded

Nikki: "Yea but I'm glad that they gave me the night shift."

Y/n: "Why?"

Nikki "Because I get a chance to chill with you little bro, I know I work a lot, and I'm sorry for that."

Y/n: "I know you do it for me, I get it, you need to work, it's ok sis really."

Nikki smiled, she placed her mug on the table.

Nikki: "Thanks little brother."

Nikki got up and went in the kitchen, a moment later, she came out with a plate of pancakes.


After a shower, you walked back down stairs and sat on the couch for a moment. Nikki was cleaning up the table, while you looked through social media.

Nikki: "Little bro!"

Y/n: "Yea?!"

Nikki: "How are you and Marinette doing?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Nikki: "Aren't you two dating?"

You were caught off guard, you even dropped your phone.

Y/n: "What?! What made you think that?!"

Nikki: "So, that's a no?"

Y/n: "No!"

Nikki: "Sorry, didn't you tell me you like her?"

Y/n: "Nikki that was a year ago, something happened since then."

Nikki: "And that is?"

You sighed

Y/n: "You know Adrien Agreste?"

Nikki: "Your model friend?"

Y/n: "Yea..."

Nikki: "Oh, I see where this is going."

You leaned back into the sofa letting it sink you in.

Nikki: "When were you going to tell her."

Y/n: "The day she told me she likes Adrien."

Nikki: "Ooohh, ouch, that must have hurt."

Y/n: "I'm over it."

Nikki: "Are you though?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Nikki: "When it comes those types of feelings, it's hard to just "get over them", you need time to actually heal."

You chuckled.

Y/n: "You sound just like Alya."

Nikki: "Well, she is right."

You heard your phone ring, you looked at your, nope it wasn't yours.

Nikki: "Hello? What?! But I was told tonight! Ugh. Fine, I'm on my way."

Nikki walked into the living room.

Nikki: "Sorry little bro. Here."

Nikki handed you some money.

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now