One act of kindness can change it all

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Marinette's pov

It was almost a week since Marinette was rejected by Adrien, you have been by her side, you walked her to school and walked her home. When you have money, you would take her out to eat when she was hungry. At the moment Marinette was in her room putting the final touches on the surprise.

Marinette: "Hmmm, come on!"

Marinette heard a tiny yawn, her Kwami Tikki was awakened from her nap.

Marinette looked over to Tikki's bed.

Marinette: "Sorry Tikki, I didn't mean to wake you up."

Tikki flew to Marinette's desk, a little groggy, Tikki smiled at Marinette.

Tikki: "It's ok Marinette. How is the surprise for (Y/n) going?"

Marinette: "I'm almost done with it, I really hope he likes it."

Tikki: "You been doing better since what happened. Even as Ladybug, you've been on top of your game."

Marinette: "Well with our new friend K-9, it's been so much easier, and at school I have cool friends that help me with anything."

Tikki looked down to see what was in Marinette's hands. She held a bennie in her hands, Tikki could tell that Marinette worked really hard on it. She chose the color black, and in the middle of the bennie had a white butterfly on it. The butterfly did resembles a akuma butterfly, but Marinette put some designs on it so it won't look too obvious. On the left wing the design was a camera, and on the right it was ring.

Tikki: "Is that a akuma?!"

Marinette: "Well yes, but I put some designs on the wings so it won't look so obvious!"

Tikki: "You did a great job Marinette!"

Marinette: "You think so Tikki?! You think he will like it?!"

Tikki nodded.

Tikki: "Without a doubt!"

Marinette put the bennie on her desk, she gave Tikki a tiny hug.

Marinette: "Thanks Tikki. Hearing that makes me feel less nervous now."

Marinette then took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. Once she was done with the note she folded it and she put it in the beanie, she grabbed a small bag from behind her computer monitor and place the beanie inside of it. Marinette could feel her hand shake, she has been feeling strange since the "events at the tower" as Marinette likes to put it, when speaking of it. She actually has been felling better, so at least she can say that she is trying to move on.

Marinette: "Ok, so now that's done all I need to do is give it to him. Shouldn't be that hard too do. But how should I go about it?"

Tikki: "Why don't you just give it to him?

Marinette: "I want to do it in a creative way, he's made me smile in a lot of creative ways. I want to return the favor."

Marinette tapped her desk with her pen, trying to think of ways to give the gift. She has had some experience with giving gifts without the person getting the gift knowing who its from, that's mainly because of Adrian granted, but it's a skill that could come in handy at this moment in time.

Marinette: "I could slip it in his camera bag at the charity event, while he's distracted having fun, I can slip it in his camera bag. He always has his camera around his neck, but I'll need find a perfect moment."

From a distance she heard her mother calling her.

Sabine: "Marinette! Can you come and help us?!"

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now