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Marinette's pov

Once Marinette got home, she went straight to her room. She sat in her chair and went on her computer. She was looking up information for her homework that she was working on. While she worked on her homework, she was listening to the new Jagged Stone album. All of a sudden, her phone began to go off. Marinette picked up her phone, and she saw that Alya wanted to video chat. Marinette picked up the call.

Alya: "Hey girl!"

Marinette: "Hey Alya, what's up?"

Alya: "Need your opinion on my dress."

Alya swiched the camera view. Marinette saw a redish black dress with lace at the bottom.

Marinette: "Wow! Alya, it looks so cute!

Alya: "Nino helped me pick it out. He actually has good taste."

Marinette: "Well, im glad you are going to the dance. Im going to stay home and hang out with my mom and dad."

Alya: "You know you can go too. Right?"

Marinette: "I dont think i will be ok if i go, Alya. I still feel awkward around Adrian since he turned me down."

Alya: "Why don't you go with someone?"

Marinette: "Like a... date?

Marinette can feel her cheeks heat up.

Marinette: "I don't know, Alya, i dont know who to ask. Plus, i don't have a dress, and it's this weekend, so i dont have time to prepare for it."

Alya: "Come on, Marinette! I've been in Paris for a year now, and i want my first dance to be with my boyfriend and best friend."

Marinette: "I dont want to be a third wheel."

Alya: "Then ask someone to go with you."

Marinette: "I dont know who to ask."

Alya: "You can ask anyone, it doesnt have to be romantic. You can ask one of the guys."

Marinette: "But who? Kim is taking Ondine. While Max said he had to do updates for his game."

Marinette laid her head down but let her eyes be exposed.

Alya: "You can ask (Y/n) to go with you."

The second those words left Alya's mouth, Marinette shot up her eyes wide open. She then began to think of the night that you came for her at the Eiffel Tower.

Alya: "Marinette! Girl, are you ok? You're red as a tomato!"

Marinette: "I can't ask him!"

Alya: "Why not?"

Marinette fidget a bit. She knew that Alya will react a certain way, so she was mentally preparing herself.

Marinette: "Alya... Ever since what happened with Adrian, (Y/n) has been there for me. He has been helping me deal with issues I've been dealing with. He's been so nice and caring. Remember what i told you about that night?"

Alya: "Yeah."

Marinette: "I couldn't believe that he cared about that much. It was hard to believe, but as time went on, i think..."

Marinette paused for a moment. She knew the next words to come out would change something, Marinette hoped it will be for the best.

Marinette: "I think i like (Y/n."

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now