Lets dance!

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The next morning

You jolted awake due to your alarm clock going off. You grabbed your alarm clock and threw it across the room.

Barkk: "Hey (Y/n)! You need to get up!"

Y/n: "Ugh... five more minutes."

You heard banging at your door, Barkk got startled, and hid under your bed. You got out of bed and opened the door.

Nikki: "Bro, get up. You're going to be late."

Y/n: "Nikki, I know i have school. I've been waking myself up for a few years now."

Nikki: "Well, if you know, why did you wake up late?"

Y/n: "Im up."

Nikki: "Good, now get ready, or you will be late for school."

Nikki walked downstairs. You closed the door, and you saw Barkk's head popping out.

Barkk: "Is it clear to come out?"

Y/n: "Yeah, it's safe to come out."

Barkk flew out of the bottom of the bed. You walked to your closet to pick out your outfit for the day.

Y/n: "Let's get today started."


You made it to school. The second you walked in the building, you saw posters for the upcoming dance the school was hosting. As you walked down the hall, you saw advertisements for it. At some point, you saw Rose passing out fliers for it.

Y/n "Why is everyone so excited for a stupid dance?"


After your class with Miss Bustier, you walked with Nino and Adrian. All of you headed to your next class.

Nino: "There are so many posters for the dance."

Y/n: "I dont know why everyone is so hyped for it."

Nino: "Are you mad that no one asked you to the dance?"

Y/n: "No. That's not the reason."

Adrian: "Dont worry, dude. It's ok if no one asked you to the dance."

Y/n: "Says the man that every girl in school asked to go to the dance with them."

Nino chuckled.

Nino: "Did you say yes to anyone of them?"

Adrian: "No, I didn't. My father doesn't want me to go to the dance. But I'm also not good with this stuff."

Y/n: "Join the club, pretty boy."

On the way to class, you bumped into Marinette and Alya.

Alya: "Hey boys."

Nino: "Sup gals."

Nino and Alya hugged, then nino put his arm over Alya's shoulders.

Alya: "Are you guys going to the dance on friday?"

Adrian: "I wish i could go, but my dad would never let me go."

Nino: "You know I'm going with you, baby."

Alya kisses Nino on the cheek.

Marinette: "Still wearing the beanie?"

Y/n: "Of course. It looks great with anything i wear."

Marinette giggled.

Y/n: "Come on, we need to get to class before the bell rings.

All of you began to walk to class.

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now