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A/N: I recently read a Kylo Ren × Reader recently and that writing style is stuck in my head, so this is a Kylo × Reader chapter! If you don't like that, just read You as Rey.

. . .

He hadn't texted good morning yet and it was already noon. Storing your phone in your back pocket you adjusted your green crop top for the fifth time. 

"Nervous?" Poe asks.

"Why would I be?" Rocking with the motion of the bus as it went over a bump nearing the amusement park. 

"Because Kylo is coming today."

Cracking a devilish smile. "He still hasn't texted me this morning."

"Does he not know you are looking fine as fuck? Is he insane?" Poe questions.

"The boy is asleep, bet. Try calling him." Finn chimes in. 

"Okaaayy." You drag it out as you press 'Call'. 

The line rang once, twice... rejected. "Dick." You hiss. 

"What?" Finn and Poe say in unison. 

"He rejected the call." You inform them. 

"The fuck?" Finn says. 

I'll call you back

"He texted!" You sound more excited than you should, but at least he wasn't asleep. "He said he'll call me back."

"Lame." Finn states as the bus comes to a stop. 

You actually gonna show up? You text back teasing him. 

"Well at least we know he's not asleep." Poe says stepping off the bus. 

"For all we know I woke him up."

"Touche." Poe replies leading the way to the security check point. 

IDK. He replies and you could feel your heart sink a little. 

Had Kylo ever actually hung out with you for more than 20 minutes? No. Had Kylo ever texted you first? Maybe once if you racked your brain. Had Kylo admitted his feelings for you? Yes. Was it love? No. 

Late night conversations leading to late night sexy pics, mostly you sending them, but the way he replied filled you with life. He made you feel like the sexiest woman alive. If only he would give you the time of day by showing up. 

Recalling last night's video chat gave you hope that he would actually show up. 

"If you show up, I'll have sex with you." You told him. 

"What?" He looked away from his video game shocked.

"That's IF you show up."

"That's tempting." He bit his lip and looked back to his game. 

"If you really want me, you'll show up."

"We'll see." He glanced back for a moment to wink. 

I meant what I said last night. You text back. 

For the past week you both had stayed up texting late into the night. Pictures were exchanged and you wanted him. You had never admitted it to him before. Sure you had admitted you liked the way he made you feel confident and sexy, but did you like him that way he liked you? Did he still even like you? His lack of effort spoke much louder than the words he said. You wanted him sexually and maybe emotionally, but he always seemed closed off. You'd tried to get to know him and it felt like chiseling at bricks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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