TROS Alt. End

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A/N: I wrote from the moment Ben arrives on Exegol, the story remains the same, but explores more of what is going on in Ben and Rey's head as the battle plays out. I placed a marker to tell where the real alternative ending begins so you may jump ahead if you please. 

Ben's POV

I arrive on Exegol landing next to a X-Wing that I know has to belong to Rey some how. I bolt running to where I know the Throne of the Sith, Palpatine, and hopefully Rey is. She is hard to find. 

Instead of using the force to help my way down peacefully, I jump from the platform, launching myself into a freefall. I land on a chain, slamming my head into the metal. "Ow." I groan to myself, but continue on knowing I don't have much time. 

The force moves darkly, but I have a clear path before me. My future has never been more clear, yet uncertain. I race forward knowing what I have to do. I have to get to her, I have to. I cannot let her face him alone. Any way Rey can thing of fighting Palpatine alone won't be good enough. 

This is my fault, if I hadn't had been so stubborn and had just gone with Rey before the Battle of Crait this wouldn't be happening. Maybe Luke would still even be alive. 

My feet carry me forward and my heart pounds demanding to be felt.

I round the corner and shoot down one of the Emperor's guards. A blast from behind passes me and I quickly aim my blaster back at him. With one shot each they have both fallen and my path remains clear. I slide along the dust and gravel as I round another corner and take off again. The presence of the Knights who I swore to lead takes me by surprise. Three come from the front and I turn to find the other three coming from the rear. 

My blaster at my side becomes useless as I know their armor is made to withstand more than my simple blaster. Even without the blaster, I am not weaponless for the Force is with me. 

I push forward sending a knight falling and the others spring forward raising their weapons. I duck to avoid the first swing, but take a hit to the face followed by another knight's assist as they slap my face the other direction with their own weapon. I'm stunned when an upper cut sends my head again in another direction, but the butt of another knight's weapon to my stomach sends me to my knees. I attempt to look up when the fifth and final knight who has yet to interact with me, hits me with another blow to the back of the head. 

I grunt in pain and I force myself to my feet again. They can't take me down so easily, I glance around to each of them as they re-position to hopefully have another successful attack. What they forget in there arrogance is I have trained with them and know each and every one of their strengths and weaknesses. 

As my determination fuels me I sense Rey's unease and feel her sorrow increase. 

I take a deep breathe and focus, reaching out to her with the force. 

And then she appears... in front of me. I stare past the knights and only to her. 

I am here Rey. I think to myself. I am here and I am with you. 

She stares back at me and blinks. A tear falling from her eye. 

I straighten up a little and nod to her. 

I watch as she slightly shifts into a stance and her facial expression changes. I can she her spirit and determination return. After a moment she raises the saber and I recognize her eyebrows furrow like she does when she is either mad or concentrated. 

It's in this moment I realize what she is doing and go along with the plan. 

I reach behind my head following her lead and I feel it there... 

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