The Heat of Debate (SMUT)

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Kylo loved the heat of debate.

Rey loved the heat of debate.

Both enjoyed being right and knowing it.

Both were great at faking it as well.

Professor Skywalker, for Communications 20 ,Argumentive Public Speaking, also known as debate class, knew both were skilled with words.

Kylo could state facts without knowing if they were true or not, but always find support.

Rey was quick to disprove people, but had to search for the right evidence to support it.

Both were each other's weaknesses, which is why it was perfect to pair them up for their final.

The debate topic was to pay or not to pay for water.

Skywalker knowing he could not keep up with their debate had told them to film it.

Kylo wasn't thrilled to be paired with such a 'follow the rules speaker' and Rey didn't like his 'carefree go with the seam of his pants' speech skills.

She would consistently find herself pointing holes in his debates and he would do the same. He knew he could ask questions she couldn't answer without sounding like she would disprove herself, and she knew she could belittle his own bullshit so-called evidence with hard facts.

After both had thought it over and discussed when and where to meet, it was clear they were ready to take each other down.

- - -

"Well Kylo, what about the fact-"

"Now before you start spouting off facts, how about you answer me this-" He interrupted her.

"Maybe you should answer one of mine first." Rey snapped at him, almost losing her cool completely.

"Why do you always try to be right?" Kylo yelled at her.

"Why do yo always have to be such an asshole?" Rey stepped out from behind her podium.

"Why do you always come to class acting like your better than everyone else?" Kylo shouted in front of the empty class room, leaving his podium as well.

"I'd love to hear your bullshit support on that claim!" Rey got in his face.

"You always wear some casual business wear, with your fake glasses to look smarter, and your hair all tied back. News flash sweetheart, I've seen you outside of class with your shiny hair let down, jeans hugging your body just right, and showing some cleavage. I know this is all an act."

"Oh really?" She shouted back. "You have this 'I don't care' charade when you actually care about everything. I've seen you help others, I know you put on this bad boy charade to probably pick up girls and it works."

"Are you wanting to kiss me as much as I'm wanting to kiss you?"

"I'm not even shocked you would have to ask."

"Fuck you!"

"Yes!" She answered him.

They closed the space between them.

The heat of debate consuming both college students.

They attacked each other's lips. Rey bit his bottom lip and he pulled on her bun, releasing her hair, and throwing the hair tie into the sea of desks.

She let go and her head hung back, as he took the moment to press kisses into her neck.

She bit her own lip now and shook her hair to fall freely around her.

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