Home of the Mental

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A/N: This was written for my English 15B class, AKA Creative Fiction Writing. Inspiration was taken from Netflix's 'To The Bone' and captaincassian 's 'Camp Mental'. Character Nurse Jackie was borrowed from ABC's 'Red Band Society'.

captaincassian currently is working on the sequel, 'Kaleidoscope' and the series is absolutely amazing! Go give them both a read!

Since this was written for a class where my teacher knows I love Star Wars and we weren't allowed to write fanfiction I had to change the names, but there are plain new characters.

Leigh= Rey

Ben= Ben Solo/Kylo Ren

Gwen= Phasma

Phineas= Finn

Rosie= Rose

Dr. Oscar= Named after Poe, but inpsired by Dr. Beckham

Leigh's POV

"Leigh, we know this wasn't your first... attempt," My mother hesitates, as she holds my hand, sitting next to in a white plastic chair, as a lay in the cold hospital bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I turn my head and see a doctor approaching, she knocks on the white door, although I am already sitting up and looking right at her.

"Come in," my mother answers for me.

"Hi Leigh, I'm Dr. Johanna," she smiles and continues to my bedside in the stuffy room. "I have a question for you that I have already discussed with your mother and the social worker. Your mother has decided to let you choose what happens next." She pauses and glances at my mother, then back at me. "Leigh, we understand-"

No, they don't. The taunting voice in my head, who had been there for the past few years, interrupts her. No one understands you, freak.

Dr. Johanna couldn't hear the voice, so she continues, "this isn't your first suicide attempt-"

"It was an accident," I stick to the story I had told everyone, who dared mention the truth.

She sighs, "you can't explain how you accidentally swallowed multiple pills of all different sorts and-"

"I went through your search history," my mother interrupts her, "this was premeditated, Leigh. This is your life you are ruining. Do you really want to die?" I think back to looking up what amount of pills are lethal and what shouldn't be mixed. I should have cleared my history.

I scoff softly and look at my lap, "isn't that what you both are saying?"

"Don't try to turn this around," my mother says with a warning tone.

"Yes," I look up at her, "I want to die," I say without the slightest hint of emotion.

That's right, Leigh. Kill yourself. She's only acting like she cares.

My mother swallows hard and purses her lips. She gets up and leaves me alone in the all white hospital room with Dr. Johanna, who remains standing at the bedside. She glances down at her clipboard. "Since you turn seventeen in a few days, your mother said for you to make the decision on where to live. There is a mental health facility or a group home."

You won't even make it to the age of seventeen.

I scoff and chuckle to myself. "So either a mental hospital or into a camp of kids 'just like me'-"

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