Good Feelings

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A/N: This chapter is inspired by Post Modern Jukebox (and Haley Reinhart).

Ben took his usual seat at the bar. "My usual." He told Finn the bartender, who nodded as acknowledgement. Ben took out his phone to check his email as Finn placed a cup filled with ice in front of him and poured a scotch on the rocks. 

Once the cup is filled, Finn slides the cup across the polished wooden brown bar top. "Thank you Finn." Finn nods once again, not being a man of much words. This made him an excellent listener and observant, but also made you listen whenever he spoke. 

Ben turns his maroon velvet seat to survey the nicest bar in town. It wasn't like the others with loud drunks, pounding music, and smelling of BO, piss, and spilled beer. 'Good Feelings' was exactly that, good feelings. The pianist tickled the keys playing a slow ballad of 'Habits' by Tove Lo. Although it was a more modern song, it felt classical and elegant, completely matching the vibe of the bar. 

A waiter in black slacks, white button up with a black vest passed by Ben to deliver drinks to a table with a pair of guys in suits. Ben hadn't seen them before, but then again the plain suits they wore would never stand out against the strict dress code here. Timeless formal. 

The plush maroon velvet seats, accents of gold and black decorated around the establishment, with brown wood believed to be mahogany by Ben. Timeless he thought to himself and finished the scotch he had been sipping. The song ends and he puts his drink down signaling Finn for another. 

As Finn sets the second drink down, Mr. Dameron the owner of Good Feelings takes the seat next to Ben. "Good Evening Mr. Dameron, would you like your usual?" Finn asks. 

"No, I'll take what he is having." Mr. Dameron nods towards Ben. Finn makes another scotch on the rocks and goes back to cleaning glasses. 

"So sir, tell me what brings you here?" Mr. Dameron asks Ben. 

"It's the classiest bar in all of town. I keep coming back for the atmosphere and good drinks." Ben lifts the glass to Finn. 

"Glad to hear, ummmm?"


"Poe Dameron, owner of this establishment."

"Pleasure to meet you sir."

"Pleasure is all mine." Mr. Dameron lifts his glass and they lightly clink their glasses. "I have a new addition coming here tonight." He finishes a big gulp of scotch.

"Oh?" Ben finishes a sip. 

"Yes, a new singer. She has just the right voice for the place. As soon as I heard her sing, I was sold."

"Wow, that good?"

"Hired her on the spot." Mr. Dameron downs his drink and the song begins to slow to an end. 

Ben raised his eyebrows  and the pianist finishes and stands, taking a quick bow before exiting the stage. "Well I'm excited to hear this voice of hers." Ben claps with the rest of the bar. 

The lights die down and Mr. Dameron takes a stand with a quick nod good bye to Ben. Mr. Dameron makes his way to the stage and a bass begins strumming and he takes the mic. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Rey." And just as quick as he was up on stage, he exits. He doesn't retake his place next to Ben, but at a table up front labelled reserved.

A woman takes the stage with shoulder length brown curls and a sparkling grey dress that touches the floor, but zig zags reveals her left mid drift, right shoulder, and a long slit up the right exposing her long leg. It's modern for sure, but has a classic vibe with how she has it draped over her body, yet it's sleak and sexy. 

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