Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sun rudely intruding on my sleep

'Go awaay, let me sleeeep.... hm? Why do I feel... wet??'

I reluctantly opened my eyes then got up and inspected myself

'Wha- why am I drenched!? It didn't rain, since the ground and everything around me is dry, so why am I drenched? Wait, the water! The water I jumped into in that dream! It was so cold... and I'm cold right now too... but that means it wasn't a dream!'

[Your status menu has been updated]

'Huh? I didn't get frightened by system this time? Maybe I've just gotten used to it. Well anyway, let's check my stats, I haven't done that in a while anyway. Stats!'

Name: [none]

HP: 115/115

Str: 23

Mp: 109/109

Sp: 300/300


Type: [Elemental Fox]

Titles: [Lucky fox] [Cute] [Akavier's interest]

Affinities: [Weak fire] «Unusable» [Weak phantasma fire] «Unusable»

Passive Skills: [Language understanding] [Danger sense] [Enhanced vision] [Poison resistance lvl 4]

'Huh? What's this new title? Wait I'll get back to that, because more importantly, I HAVE MAGIC!? Why can't I use it!? That's no fair!! Don't give it to me if I can't use it! System! Why can't I use my magic?'

[You are unable to use magic due to your age-]

'So I can't use magic because I'm still practically a child? I guess that makes sense...'

[-and you're not a magic prodigy]

'Ah-... okay, anyway I'm getting hungry, let's find some food! Hm? Oh! That's right! The thing I ran away from last time! What was it? And why was it there!? It was so scary! It didn't even attack, it just stood there... crouched? I'm not sure if it was crouched or not, but the point is, it just stared at me! Just those glowing, amber eyes, staring at me in the darkness, or was it in the shadows? Hm, ehh it's the same thing, kinda. Let's just, get away from there for now, and deal with the problem at hand, I'm hungry, and I'm in the middle of a huge open grass field! With lots of flowers I might add, pretty flowers- not to mention there's a forest with that thing in it behind me... it's not like I can eat grass! Wait... System, I have a question'


'Can I eat grass?'


'Hey, system? Are you there?'


'So are you gonna answer the question?



[You did not ask a question]

'Yes I did!'

[Negative, you did not]

'What do you mean I didn't ask a question? I asked if I could eat grass!

[You have still not asked a valid question]

'Ahhhg! Why are you so mean today!? Hmph, I'll just walk around until I find something to eat I guess...thanks for nothing. Hm? Oh wait, that's right! I still wanted to ask, what was up with that title I saw earlier? Akavier's interest? Who is that and why do I have their interest? Did I say that right?'

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